
does anybody know how how to setup calendar access from QML ?
I have successfully gained access to contacts. I tried the same approach, but it does not work :(.

What I have tried:

CONFIG += QtOrganizer
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/qt5/QtOrganizer

import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import QtOrganizer 5.0

I get this during compile:

[W] unknown:37 - file:///usr/share/CalDav/qml/CalDav.qml:37:30: Type FirstPage unavailable

initialPage: Component { FirstPage { } }


[W] unknown:33 - file:///usr/share/CalDav/qml/pages/FirstPage.qml:33:1: module "QtOrganizer" is not installed

import QtOrganizer 5.0

What can I do to make it work ?


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