On 14.01.2014 10:34, Reto Zingg wrote:
On 14.01.2014 10:21, Kaj-Michael Lang wrote:
Got my first app into the Harbour, works for me and obvisouly for QA
too. But about 1/2 of the comments are people complaining that all they
get is a white screen. That most likely is some error in the qml, a
import plugin missing, but how can that be if QA passed it ? Any ideas?
Oh, and the app in question is Y-Radio.
Or better yet, anyone on list that experiences the problem ? Could you
start it from the terminal and send me any error messages that might be
printed ?
seems you use:
import QtQuick.XmlListModel 2.0
that is not by default on device. Add a dependency to:
that should fix it.
We need to investigate how that could get pre installed to the device of
the Harbour testers.
Testers also need finger term to be able to install the rpm. Fingerterm
depends on qt5-qtdeclarative-import-xmllistmodel:
rpm -q --whatrequires qt5-qtdeclarative-import-xmllistmodel
That's how the qt5-qtdeclarative-import-xmllistmodel came into the image
the testers use.
Sorry for the troubles.
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