
Thank you for valid feedback. We have had resource problems to perform Android 
apps QA during vacation and get it up and running after vacations. Hopefully we 
are soon back on full speed. Thank you for your patience. See my replies above 

Iekku Pylkkä

> -----Original Message-----
> From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org [mailto:devel-
> boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] On Behalf Of Maciej Jaros
> Sent: 14. tammikuuta 2014 0:44
> To: Sailfish OS Developers
> Subject: [SailfishDevel] Android QA proccess
> How long does it take for Android apps to pass QA? Are they in a separate
> queue or just simply wait after all Jolla aps?
[Iekku Pylkka] Yes, there's separate queue for Android and native applications. 
And different testing teams for both.
> I understand that there is a lot going on, but I'm waiting more then 10 days
> now and just now I had to release another version. Does this restart the clock
> somehow or what? Will I be moved to the end of the line?
[Iekku Pylkka] I can try to keep your position in queue at previous place, but 
can't promise anything for sure. Please send me information about your app.
> I know some people don't like Android apps in the store, but I clearly stated
> that it is Android in the description. And there are different Android apps in
> Jolla store already. I just don't know what is going on.
> Getting no feedback, no hints for that long is a bit frustrating...
> Regards,
> Nux.
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