On 01/12/2014 01:01 PM, Valerio Valerio wrote:
On 10/01/14 10:53, Norbert Wenzel wrote:
I've seen similar problems with the mail-only GMX account, but there I
only had to retype my password (though the account manager showed the
correct number of dots, so it looked as if a valid password has been
entered before)

Don't count on that, is always 7 dots :) passwords are not read by the
UI since they are stored in separated database.

Ah, so now I told you how many characters the password has. ;-) Though I'm sure I had a password entered before the power failure, since I could receive emails, but not send any. So it still might be the case that some authentication data was lost for normal email accounts too.

Is it possible that some credentials are lost sometimes and credential
updates are not always signalled to the mailapp? I think might have
been the source for my problems with setting up mail. I entered the
correct details and actually connected successfully (when reading the
logs) but the mailapp still showed connection errors. So without the
log I changed the account settings again instead of just restarting
the mailapp/phone.

For google accounts there's this issue:

Thanks for that link, I'll follow that bug entry.


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