
those who experience their Jolla crashing out of the blue, can you please 
elaborate, to  see if we're in the same boat?

Did it switch off all of a sudden?
Because I'm experiencing this repeatedly. I begin to see a pattern in my switch 
offs. Heavy network traffic on forced 2G in the western part of Munich (Pasing 
and Planegg).
I haven't experience this problem in other areas so far, so I assume it could 
be ofono-related.

Do you see common patterns among your crashes, too?


Am Thu Jan 09 2014 15:39:30 GMT+0100 (CET) schrieb Oliver Berger:
>Hash: SHA1
>It was crashing resp. switching off even while taking pictures (like you are 
>one instance before clicking and the
>screen turns black - mehhh ;)... I had to startup again enter my pin and so 
>For me it was not responding with a black screen == OFF == crashed???
>But the phone was not rebooting - just no response.
>So indeed it could be also very very slow. But who knows the difference 
>between "very slow" and "off", when normally
>the phone is responding quite fast?
>I also noticed in other occasions that sometimes when I press the power button 
>to activate the screen, the screen
>flickers or shows up a very short time and turns black again (mostly with 
>active camera app) - then I have to press
>the power button twice to activate the screen.
>On 09.01.2014 15:06, Andrea Bernabei wrote:
>> hello :)
>> was the phone really crashing (i.e. rebooting), or did you just mean the 
>> network connectivity kept crashing making
>> the phone very slow and not very usable?
>> I'm asking because I experienced the second :)
>> 2014/1/9 Oliver Berger <oli...@digitalarchitekt.de 
>> <mailto:oli...@digitalarchitekt.de>>
>> Hello,
>> I am actually at Lanzarote and while visiting the caves there, I noticed my 
>> jolla phone was crashing every time I
>> was somewhere - impossible to have a mobile network available. It was so bad 
>> that I could hardly take pictures,
>> since it was crashing all the time...
>> On the surface again I had also problems starting the phone, so I removed 
>> the batteries... now all is working
>> again.
>> I have no idea how to debug this, since there are no log files in /var/log
>> cheers Oliver _______________________________________________ SailfishOS.org 
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