
On 03.01.2014 00:02, Mikael Hermansson wrote:
It really is kinda frustrated whats allowed and not. Don't get me wrong
but I hope more Qt stuff is allowed ASAP(like QtBlutooth module and
QtSystem, NFC and some kind of crypto library)

Now URadio is not allowed anymore and the only change was localstorage
is used in new version? Rejected because I had dependies on:

ERROR [gst-plugins-good] Dependency not allowed ERROR

[qt5-qtdeclarative-import-localstorageplugin] Dependency not allowed ERROR

[qt5-qtmultimedia] Dependency not allowed ERROR

[qt5-qtmultimedia-plugin-mediaservice-gstmediaplayer] Dependency not allowed

now I can understand that gst-plugins-good was rejected because its not
on the list but the others? (Notice gst* was okey first version...)
actually I think that lib is on the phone but not in emulator...

This is a new check (the Requires section of the rpm), which we just lately added. A big sorry qt5-qtmultimedia and qt5-qtdeclarative-import-localstorageplugin we failed to whitelist in the requires section, but is allowed to link against, resp. use the QML import. Store QA will start using new whitelist soon.

gst-plugins-good and qt5-qtmultimedia-plugin-mediaservice-gstmediaplayer are on device by default. Apps should not require this packages. Please remove it from your requires section.


But It seems to me Required field in yaml file should not be used is
that the case? Please clarify this?

and what about line:

sailfishsilica-qt5 >= 0.10.9 (not sure if I added this or if autoadded?)

now should this still be left in the reuquires? Because I remember first
time I installed it on my phone(s) both n9(with sail) and my Jolla cried
about missing "libsailfishapp.so"?

Don't get me wrong I know people working hard get this working just
kinda frustrated atm.

Kindly regards



Skickat från Lenovo Thinkpad X230 running Kubuntu desktop

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