PyQt works very well on the Jolla phone and you can get it from Openrepos.
It should support the whole Qt C++ API except for deprecated modules. As
Sailfish is using Python2 by default I've built it with that. Porting from
Pyside to PyQt is very easy and takes only "a few hours" for a small app
and you can publish them on Openrepos as Harbour does not support PyQt and
maybe never will. Just remember that PyQt is GPLv3 so you must use that
license or pay for a commercial license from Riverbankcomputing. IMHO this
is not a big problem as most Python apps are opensource and you better
stick with native code for closed source anyway.

Greets Jens

On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Ye Zetao <> wrote:

> Hello,I am a developer of python and I know that Sailfish support Qt with
> C++, but I am not familiar with C++,So I want to know that if Sailfish
> support PyQt5 ? Thanks :)
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