
I just tested SMS transmission by QML by using method
Qt.openUrlExternally("sms:01234567444" + "?body=" + "bodytext") on my Jolla
device with OS version, sending to my N9.

It seems to work fine but there is a danger with it too: You cannot see to
whom the message is going. The is no indication of the contact or the
recipient tel.number visible. So, when you press enter to finally send the
SMS, you just have to trust that the application is not going to send this
message e.g. to an expensive money collecting number now and then.

I would propose to add a clear contact indication on the SMS message thread
display for the next OS update.


2013/12/24 Bernd Wachter <bernd.wach...@jolla.com>

> <christopher.l...@thurweb.ch> writes:
> Hi,
> > Thanks, I mentioned that at earlier in this thread.
> >
> > However I think that the harbour rule is too strict. I think there is
> > a legitimate case for apps that clearly state that their purpose is to
> > send SMSes, and have their own send button --> i.e. SMSes are only
> > sent with explicit permission of the user at time of sending.
> the upcoming update introduces sms: as supported URL scheme for
> xdg-open, so in the future your application may send SMS by using
> xdg-open to call an URL like sms:12345?body=foo+bar+baz, which will open
> the messages application with number and body prefilled, and just
> requires the user to press 'send'.
> Bernd
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