Ok, looks simple enough, but as I understand it the harbour reqs don't , as of 
now,  allow writing to that location, so currently the system Settings screen 
can not be used for our own application's settings. 
I, too, hope it will be possible in the future, as the Settings GUI is IMHO the 
proper place for app settings.


On Mon Dec 23 2013 21:53:54 GMT+0200 (EET), Gabriel Böhme wrote:
>thank you very much, for this answer, but will this be allowed in harbour
>apps as well? Guess not. Will it be in the future? :)
>Cheers Gabriel
>Von meinem Nokia N9 gesendet
>Andrey Kozhevnikov schrieb am 23.12.13 19:53:
>you should create json file in subdirectory inside
>then add qml page, preferable inside /usr/share/jolla-settings/pages
>On 24.12.2013 00:00, jja...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi sailors,
>> I'm also interested (spesifically question 2)  to know  how can I make my
>> application to appear in the Jolla system Settings > Apps section. Thanks
>> for asking this, Winfried ;)
>> I am developing an app that uses QSettings to manage app-spesific
>> configuration and that handless nicely the persistence of settings in
>> default file-system locations. Now, it would be perfect tp expose those
>> settings to system Settings GUI.
>> Cheers,
>> -jukka
>>   On Mon Dec 23 2013 11:53:26 GMT+0200 (EET), winfried.dobbe@xmsnet.nlwrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Two questions about making apps as much integrated as possible in
>>> SailfishOs:
>>> 1) Is it possible to add notifications to the notification overview (swipe
>>> up from bottom of phone) from my own app ?
>>> 2) What should I do to make my application's settings accessible from the
>>> "Settings app -> Applications screen" ?
>>> thanks for any info,
>>> Winfried
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Jukka Aaltonen
Twitter: @jjaone
Arctic Circle / Lapland
Jolla device #39
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