Ops, I think I've found the solution, the "-G" (--no-gpgcheck,
Disable GPG verification for this repository) is needed :
# zypper ar -G
So this and other Mer COBS repositories can remain enabled and Jolla
Store works (for installing softwares).
But is there any other way to add repositories in Sailfish ?
Repositories added with "zypper ar" are listed by "zypper lr", but
no "ssu lr".
-------- Mensagem original --------
Assunto: Using Python 3 and PyOtherSide repository on Sailfish device
Data: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 20:11:48 -0200
De: Roberto Colistete Jr. <roberto.colist...@gmail.com>
Para: Thomas Perl <th.p...@gmail.com>
CC: devel@lists.sailfishos.org <devel@lists.sailfishos.org>
Em 30-09-2013 09:40, Thomas Perl escreveu:
The rest of this mail deals with PyOtherSide:
It's available in the mer-python3 repository:
In the sb2 target and on a device, you can add that repo using:
zypper ar
First of all, bravo, Jolla sailors, Sailfish OS is fantastic ! Even
using it on Nokia N9.
I am trying Python in Sailfish (port) on Nokia N9 (yeah, I live in
Brazil so a Jolla smartphone will take time to be here) :
After adding mer-python3 repository on device (Jolla smartphone or
Nokia N9 with Sailfish port) :
# zypper ar
# zypper ref
which is not signed (zypper ref shows "file 'repomd.xml' of repository
'Python 3 for Mer (latest_armv7hl)' is not signed", so I confirm t), the
Jolla Store can't install any software (it shows "Waiting" forever when
trying to install any chosen software).
A temporary solution is simply installing Python3 and PyOtherSide :
# zypper in python3-base pyotherside-qml-plugin-python3-qt5
then removing the repository :
# zypper rr mer-python3
# zypper ref
So Jolla Store works again.
Any suggestion to have mer-python3 or any other Mer COBS
repositories (e.g., mine
http://repo.merproject.org/obs/home:/rcolistete/latest_armv7hl/) enabled
and also use Jolla Store ?
Is there another recommended method to add a repository in Sailfish
OS ?
Best regards,
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