Hi there *You can see all the mentioned things in HelloWorld Pro code at https://github.com/amarchen/helloworld-pro-sailfish <https://github.com/amarchen/helloworld-pro-sailfish>*
After the Alpha 3 SDK update, QtQuick tests work, but started producing tons of warnings such as file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/Page.qml:130: ReferenceError: __silica_applicationwindow_instance is not defined Investigation showed that orientation, colors, etc are now fetched from this window instance. Right now failed orientation info fetch doesn't cause problems, but earlier or later it will bite back. Hence several questions: 1. How does Jolla test its Silica components? Some additions to standard QtQuickTest setup? 2. Is it really wise to bind to __silica_applicationwindow_instance as it injects quite a lot of expected context to the whole component library? Shall code get it via some factory function or at least check the app window instance existence? 3. One of my tests is wrapped into ApplicationWindow, so __silica_applicationwindow_instance should be present. any hints on why the warnings are still given? 3.1 Any ideas on how to fake __silica_applicationwindow_instance reliably? https://github.com/amarchen/helloworld-pro-sailfish/blob/master/tests/tst_RealUiTest.qml ApplicationWindow { <-- defines this instance var id: wholeApp initialPage: SailCalc { <-- yet SailCalc can't see it id: bigCalc } TestCase { Best regards, Artem. -- Artem Marchenko http://agilesoftwaredevelopment.com http://twitter.com/AgileArtem
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