Hi all

Just to reinforce what Gabriel says:

The functionality officially known as Qt Mobility died with Qt4.x, probably due to Nokia exiting stage left.

However much, but not all of it has been moved into Qt 5.0 add-on modules, with varying levels of stability (and thus likeliness to be supported sometime soon by Sailfish / Jolla Harbour).

Some of the bits that have been moved have also had quite a bit of rejigging. So for instance Location is now split into Location and Positioning, some of the elements have become metatypes etc.

Contacts - at least via QML seems to be less stable than it was with Qt4.8 / Mobility (e.g. filtering is not working, and probably won't be fixed until 5.3).

Messaging has completely died, but the functionality can be accessed via Telepathy.

Let us hope that this functionality stabilises soon. If Qt wants to become the defacto multi-platform toolkit for mobiles, then it needs to offer stable mobile functionality that works on Sailfish, Android, BB10, IOS et al.



Zitat von "Gabriel Böhme" <m.gabrielboe...@googlemail.com>:

In Qt 5.1, the QtMobility is split in different packages. On
harbour.jolla.com/faq you'll find which packages are allowed to import/link
against in Jolla Store. This is limited due to unstable APIs/ABIs.

Your problem is, that for example QSystemInformation QML lib, could give
what you need, but it's blacklisted atm.



Von meinem Nokia N9 gesendet

Jukka Heikkilä schrieb am 06.12.13 10:17:
Hi again,

I just wanted to make things clear on my head. I just read this:

Is it so that with Jolla I can use Qt Mobility API's and to get network
info I could use QSystemNetworkInformation class, but which is the thing
which will restricts to put my app in the store?

I'm a little bit confused with these things now. If someone could help me
back to track ;)

Jukka Heikkilä

2013/12/5 Lorn Potter <lorn.pot...@jolla.com>

It depends on if you want your app in the store or not.
You could use QtDbus to query the connman and ofono interfaces, much like
connman-qt and libqofono to get this information.

If you don't mind not being in the store, QtSystemInfo's QtNetworkInfo is
on the device, or you could use libconnman-qt and libqofono themselves.

Hope this helps!

On 05/12/2013, at 10:40 PM, Jukka Heikkilä <jut...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to get some cellular network information to my app. Is there
this kind of class like in Harmattan's QSystemNetworkInformation (
I'm looking forward to get Cell ID  etc. information.
> I'm quite new with Qt so I hope some of you could provide my a short
example if there is a solution to get that kind of information.
> Regards,
> Jukka
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Lorn Potter
QtSensors/ Connectivity
llornkcor technologies / Jolla Mobile

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