But other phones have antene in back cover for minimize distance with NFC chip. 
When Jolla phone is not made this way, i see problem for NFC communication with 
external NFC tags ..
>From Nokia N9 :)

Dne 03.12.2013 7:05 napsal uživatel Aaron McCarthy:


On Mon, 2 Dec 2013 21:57:01 Martin Kolman wrote:
> 2.12.2013 11:35, Robin Burchell:
> >> But what got me dissapointed was that the new Qt NFC API module is only
> >> supported on Blackberry?
> >>
> >> So what is the state of NFC API on sailfishos? Will it use it? or is
> >> there some kind of NFC API?
> >
> > At this stage, NFC is reserved for use with the other half. I don’t know
> > of any future plans to change that at this time, but you never know…
> Well in my naive understanding, could one of these two work:

There is no Qt NFC backend for Jolla devices and there are technical issues as
you bring up below.

> * lets assume that NFC can detect multiple tags/NFC devices at once (can
> it ?)

Yes it can, for some types of tags. Assuming that the tag used by TOH is of a
type that supports detecting multiple tags in field or is of a different
technology that otherwise does not interfere with the tag being read, then yes
this is feasible.

> and all the other halves surely have some sort of unique id (so
> that different ambiances can be detected) that all have a common prefix
> (so that the device can distinguish between OH and another NFC device

I'm not completely familiar with the details, that may be true for TOH tag id.
It does not prevent collisions with tags in the wild. For example some tags
generate a random id on every access. This is an unlikely corner case.

> -> in this case, the device can just filter out the NFC chip on the OH
> when working in "normal" NFC mode (pairing, contact transfer, etc.)
> * lets assume the NFC-bearing OH can be removed and an NFC-less OH installed
> -> the chip can detect the NFC tag in the OH, so it should detect normal
> NFC devices just fine if a NFC-less OH is installed

Yes, this would be possible.

> So that are my two €-cents. :)

Thanks you for your input.



Aaron McCarthy


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