Hi All

**Short version**
Go check this out and contribute corrections -

**Long version**
"Just an app" templates make my heart cry. Changing them to the proper
structure is pain every time you go beyond "just a helloworld".

So I created a Helloworld Pro for Sailfish. Something that has minimal UI,
but proper project structure and a couple of UI and non UI QML tests
(includes src, test folders, multipackage .yaml/spec, proper 86x86 icon,
etc) and passes harbour acceptance criteria (pending for now).

And then I added a wizard script that renames everything to whatever
project name you like to help you get started with MyCoolApp instead
of helloworld-pro-sailfish

Wizard is a bash script validated on Mac only, because that's the platform
I use.

Similar scripts for Windows and other corrections/improvements (e.g. adding
simple app cover) are very welcome via pull requests.

You will find the project at

If you want to do more with QML testing that I greatly encourage, this old
presentation is still valid -



Artem Marchenko
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

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