Hi all

Not sure if it's a question, a bug report or a feature request :)

I am making a Wikipedia app, go download the current version from store or
build from https://github.com/amarchen/Wikipedia

And UI makes a lot of sense [to me] if it has a Search bar always visible
on the top of the page. No problem, I used to put there a SearchField and
anchor WebView to below it. Until use of WebView was forbidden and we had
to switch to SilicaWebView.

SilicaWebView seems to be engineered so that it is always full screen (as
any other Flickable) and it is not behaving well if included into another

To be precise two Flickables seem to start fighting over touch control and
scrolling sometimes works, sometimes doesn't :/

**Possible solutions (as I see it)**
1. Downgrade SilicaWebView to be just a wrapper for a web view, don't mix
Flickable responsibilities into WebView responsibilities. There are
different responsibilities after all.

2. Or extract just a WebView wrapper into a new class

3. Or resolve the situation when SilicaWebView is not a full screen item,
but lives inside another Flickable.

What do you think?

Best regards,

Artem Marchenko
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

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