Hi All **Context** I am trying to build a flashlight app, but the same question is valid for any camera app that wants to shoot photos/videos in low light.
**The problem** I am trying to control LED flash by setting flash mode to ON (api confirms that ON mode is supported) and starting camera. Nothing happens. I also tried actually capturing photo, shooting video and seekAndLocking. I don't have a device myself, but kind people on IRC told that only two short LED flashes happen (during seeking for focus probably). *Could somebody, please, advise how to control flash in Sailfish OS? *Or maybe you could confirm that libhybris flash control just isn't wired to Qt level? **Test code and build to play with** I have created a test app that just exposes all the Qt features to UI level. Play with it and try switching flash to ON and starting camera - https://github.com/amarchen/video-flash-trial/tree/ml-question-2013-nov-16 Here's a direct link to the ARM package for installing it to phone (maybe you can find some magic combination of API calls on your live hardware) - https://github.com/amarchen/video-flash-trial/blob/ml-question-2013-nov-16/ready-arm-build/video-flash-trial-0.1-8.armv7hl.rpm and the same link shortened - http://bit.ly/vidflanov23 Best regards, Artem. -- Artem Marchenko http://agilesoftwaredevelopment.com http://twitter.com/AgileArtem
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