Hi Sailfish sailors,

I want to ask, what is recommended/best practice to handle different
covers/covers with dynamic information.

My case: 

On the main page (MainPage.qml) you can select some options and search
depending on the selected options. My main cover shows the selected
options if minimized, so I can't just create it with
Qt.resolvedUrl("path/to/maincover.qml"), because I'm "talking" to the
cover with via property aliases. So I'm creating this cover directly as
an instance in ApplicationWindow. 

After the search a ListView shows the results from a model and I created
another cover to switch between the results with CoverAction (show
next/previous) - it takes the data from the model. But also shows some
information from main page - via property alias.

So the point is: to fill the cover pages with the dynamic data I can't
create them with Qt.resolvedUrl("path/to/cover.qml"), or
push("mypage.qml") because I need property aliases to set the
information on the covers. But in the most examples and also the console
output tells me, that it is not clever to create instances in the
ApplicationWindow part.

So what is best practice? Do I miss something?

Thank you very much in advance.


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