Afaik, if you try to send sms, it opens default messaging application where you 
can enter the sms. And same for outgoing phonecalls, opens phone application 
where you can make a call.

Reasoning behind it is that as those call create a phone bill to end user, then 
applications are not allowed to secretly bypass default applications. But dont 
take my word on it, its just AFAIK on store QA process.

But ofcourse if you enable developer mode you can do what ever you want. I'm 
not familiar with that side of middleware, so someone else can comment more.

re, Jonni

From: [] 
on behalf of Seppo Tiainen []
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 8:19 PM
Subject: [SailfishDevel] Status of Sailfish SMS?


Does anybody know about a possible module and its status in Sailfish/Qt-5 that 
corresponds to Harmattan Qt Mobility Messaging so that it would be possible to 
send and receive SMSs (which is essential in my app) through Qt/QML on the 
Jolla phone?

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