Hi all Does anybody know exact app icon requirements?
I know that it has to be 90x90 PNG and somehow I was able to make one icon that works fine, but I failed to generate the 2nd one. Whatever I do, the icon in emulator is displayed as just an empty space :/ And I did check that the proper file is actually installed to the proper place, I even manually replaced file in the emulator to verify that it's exactly the icon file contents that is problematic. It has to do something with the allowed color profile or transparency or interlacing or DPI or max file size or something else like this. I attached one of the files that didn't work while looking perfectly legal to me. Could somebody, please, have a look? Or do you maybe have a GIMP or Photoshop template and PNG generation instructions that just work? Best regards, Artem. -- Artem Marchenko http://agilesoftwaredevelopment.com http://twitter.com/AgileArtem
<<attachment: flashlight-1.png>>
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