Yeah, this discussion went too far, but then if I remain silent maybe point
of view I don't like will influence Jolla sailors too much :)

So my two cents:
IMHO, the main point preventing piracy in Apple App Store is it's easy of
use. It's just many times easier to search and tap "buy for $1.95", than it
is to search torrents for the same stuff.
And that is hopefully the main razor-sharp goal sailors are working on.
Going from unpacking device to buying my app should take less than a minute
and a dozen of taps + maybe one time account creation.

People who don't have money to buy will pirate anyway, they won't buy many
apps anyway, so why optimize for then? All these stats that MANY% of
Android apps are pirated doesn't mean at all that these apps would have
been bought if copy protection was impenetrable.

And yes, identifying users/accounts inapp is still useful, but first of all
for easy in-app purchasing and *possibly* giving users discount codes for
this or that purchase. Hopefully both things will work on the system level.

Cheers and clear seas to everybody!

Artem Marchenko
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