Hello guys, While porting my applications to Sailfish OS, I encountered the following problems with the Emulator. I tried it numerous times and I always end up with the same result:
1) I cannot make onDoubleClick signal work. I have a Rectangle with a MouseArea filling it, and it has an onDoubleClicked signal - there's no reaction to it (tried clicking with various delays, a lot of times very quickly, etc.). If I change it to onClicked then single click works fine. I've also tested it with a simple Button - similarly, onDoubleClicked has no reaction (other than that the button gets highlighted for a short while as with onClicked, but nothing else happens), while with onClicked the button works OK with a single click. 2) If I update something on a page that's currently not visible (i.e. it isn't the topmost page in the stack) then its visible contents don't get refreshed. Its properties themselves DO get updated (which I can verify with console.log output) but when I go back to that page (e.g. via pageStack.pop()) then it still shows "old" content. If I update these properties once again, while the page IS visible (topmost), then everything gets updated correctly. For example, I have a Text element on a page (and its text is e.g. "First"). I then switch (via pageStack.push()) to another page and from there I update the first page's (not currently visible) text property (to e.g. "Second"). Console.log output shows that the text property gets updated, but if I switch back to that page then it still shows the old "First" text (despite the property itself now being "Second"). The very same code works properly on Harmattan, Symbian and BB10. The only difference is that on Sailfish OS the element is within a SilicaFlickable. Can someone please check it? I've spent the last two days trying to make the above work, to no avail... Thank you, Bolek _______________________________________________ SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list