
For the file selector, it should not be difficult to make one with a 
SilicaListView, and the qmldir extension.

For notification, i ve made a something similar but more simple to the 
Harmattan InfoBanner for ownNotes :  http://khertan.net/blog/silica_infobanner

Benoît HERVIER - http://khertan.netLe 31/10/13 22:55 Caliste Damien a écrit :

   I didn't see any mention in the Silica reference web page of a file
chooser. Is there any planed for a later SDK update ? My application
needs to load or save a file, the user choose the place of, how can I
do ?

   Secondary open question, I've seen in the wiki that there is no
notification QML component up to now. Is there any plan to release some
later ? I'm thinking of the Maemo5 yellow banners that appear and
disappear automatically with a small message ("download failure", and so
on…). It was convenient, what are the plans for Sailfish ?


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