On Oct 25, 2013, at 10:44 AM, Jarko Vihriala <jarko.vihri...@jolla.com> wrote:
> The 'workaround' is to put the known hosts point to /dev/null so you don't 
> get those warnings anymore but that renders rest of your ssh setup to kind of 
> unsafe state so I would not recommend doing it.

You can do the known hosts configuration per-host, so something like this in 
~/.ssh/config usually works well (the important parts are the two last lines - 
the first one turns off strict host key checking - so you don't get asked all 
the time - and the second one makes sure no host keys are saved - for that 
specific host only):

Host sailfishemu
    HostName localhost
    User nemo
    Port 2223
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
    UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

After that (assuming ports and ssh key are correctly set up), "ssh sailfishemu" 
should get you to the emulator.

HTH :)
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