On 18.09.2013 21:46, Stefan Lahner wrote:
If you activate the German keyboard and you press the 'Z'-key, the big
preview shows an 'Y' (but the output is still a 'Z'. Also if you press
long enough the 'Z'-key, you get a representation of different 'Y'
"equal" chars (do not know how to call them). The same happens if you
press the 'Y'-key (but you do not see the same amount of 'Y' "equal"
chars as for the 'Z'-key.
Thx for reporting this, the preview it self got fixed already (big
preview). The y/ý (resp. Y/Ý) and ¥ (Yen) are still offered under z/Z. I
created a bug to address this.
best regards
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