On 16.08.2013 04:02, Mikael Hermansson wrote:
1 I cannot install ARM toolchains in SailfishMerSDK are those repos
disabled atm?
I get
"Problem: nothing provides cross-armv7hl-binutils needed by
Solution 1: do not install pattern:Mer-SB2-armv7hl-.noarch
Solution 2: break pattern:Mer-SB2-armv7hl-.noarch by ignoring some of its
Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c): c"
I want to use same buildmachine when working with Nemo(=N9) and sailfish
so would be great if ARM toolchain can be installed in SailfishMerSDK.
yes, the cross compile repository is not added by default. Since
deploying and running applications on a real device is not yet
supported. The Mer-SDK-plugin does not yet allow to configure an other
device than the SailfishOS Emulator. This will be enabled/supported in a
coming update.
But you can add it if you want already (but to stress out again, not
well tested or supported!) with ssu and compile things (without deploy
and run steps):
# local, login to Build engine (SailfishSDK)
ssh -p 2222 -i ~/SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/engine/root
# in build engine (SailfishSDK)
ssu ar mer-cross
zypper ref
zypper install -t pattern Mer-SB2-armv7hl
3. this worked in harmattan and old SDK (QML):
Now it dont work? maybe I miss some gstreamer dependies cant remember
what gstreamer package that provide http/rtsp stream plugins? Maybe
plugins does not exist in new SDK? installed ogg/vorbis atleast but cant
remember if I also needs some more gst plugins?
digging in the old mails, I found:
zypper install gst-plugins-good
should solve your problem.
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