Hi, I'm remembering seeing similar question here.
So if you are porting apps from Harmattan and you like InfoBanner Components. This could interest you, i ve write a text only InfoBanner for ownNotes :
Code import QtQuick 2.0 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import net.khertan.python 1.0 import Sailfish.Silica.theme 1.0 DockedPanel { id: root width: Screen.width - 2*Theme.paddingSmall height: content.height + 2*Theme.paddingSmall dock: Dock.Top Rectangle { id: content x: Theme.paddingSmall y: Theme.paddingSmall width: parent.width height: infoLabel.height + 2*Theme.paddingSmall color: 'black'; opacity: 0.75; Label { id: infoLabel text : '' color: 'red' width: parent.width - 2*Theme.paddingSmall x: Theme.paddingSmall y: Theme.paddingSmall wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { root.hide() autoClose.stop() } } } function displayError(errorMsg) { infoLabel.text = errorMsg root.show() autoClose.start() } Timer { id: autoClose interval: 15000 running: false onTriggered: { root.hide() stop() } } } ~~~~~~ How to use ---------- In your ApplicationWindow add : InfoBanner { id: trucmucheBanner } And when you need it, call it with trucmucheBanner.displayError(errMsg) -- Benoît HERVIER - http://khertan.net/ _______________________________________________ SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list