That is great news! I hadn't expected to see Nemo Mobile move to
Wayland/Qt5 that fast.
Didn't know there already was a Qt5 based homescreen and Wayland compositor.
I really the Glacier UI, great work :) To be honest I think I even like
it a bit more than Sailfish.
I like the minimalist, dark theme of Android 4.x, I like the colorful
opaque rounded corner theme of Harmattan
and I like the clean style of Sailfish (the font and the transparency).
I think Glacier perfectly
combines all these looks. I also like the icon theme, it reminds me of
What I would like to see, is good documentation about the new UI
components to make it easier
to develop applications for Nemo Mobile (especially for new developers
like myself ;) ).
I haven't found documentation about the UI components that are currently
used in Nemo Mobile.
It's still a bit vague to me what components Nemo exactly uses.
I'm currently developing a Sailfish OS application and trying to port
Nemo Mobile to my
tablet, so I'd love to port my app to Nemo. I'll need to port my app to
Qt5 anyway for the new
Sailfish SDK.
Keep up the good work,
Superpelican :)
On 08/01/2013 12:40 PM, Andrea Bernabei wrote:
Hello people!
Here are some news for you, I wrote few paragraphs, with titles to
help you skim through the email in case you don't have much time to
read it ;)
I didn't know anything about systemd, I didn't know anything about RPM
packaging, but I studied some stuff during last days, and now we have
a working Nemo Wayland image for VM!
The VM image boots to a QtQuick2/Qt5 homescreen
(lipstick-colorful-home-qt5 package), and uses a Wayland QML compositor!
So now we have a VM image with a working homescreen (in early stages)
and a Wayland compositor!
Now that the we have something to base the rest of our work on, we
need to do some planning.
I'll share here the results of few chats with other Nemomobile guys
(qwazix, Sfiet_Konstantin, Hurrian, sorry if I'm forgetting anyone
here) and Jolla guys (Stskeeps, special, w00t,...):
1) First of all, we decided it was a good idea to port all Nemo QML
apps to Qt5/QtQuick2 and have them working on the new Wayland-based VM
2) Once all the core apps are ported to Qt5, we can start building the
new components sets (which will likely be QtQuickControls + custom
controls) which will be used to bring to life the new Glacier UI (if
you don't know what Glacier UI is, ---> )
3) Once we have a working components set, we can port all Nemo QML
apps to the new components set created in step 2.
4) Test and bugfix
5) Enjoy the new Nemo with Glacier UI :D
We're at step 1! We're porting all Nemo apps to QtQuick2/Qt5 using components which have already been brought to QtQuick2
by w00t.
I'll tell you what I know about the current porting status of the apps:
- special has already partially ported fingerterm (terminal emulator),
and qmlmessages
- I (faenil) have ported qmlcalc, the calculator, probably the easiest
app to port, which will be used as an example for those who want to
know what it means to port Nemo apps to QtQuick2
- the rest of the apps needs porting!
We're at step 1, so we need help porting all Nemo apps to Qt5/QtQuick2!
It's not much work! Don't feel like you're not expert enough do that,
anyone with some QML experience can help! :)
Here's an example of Qt5 port
As you can see it's mostly about renaming classes, changing few calls,
and then adapting the packaging files to the changes.
Contact me, I'm faenil on #nemomobile IRC channel (freenode server).
I'll help you setup the wayland environment, so you can start hacking
right away! :)
This is all people!
Have a nice day! :)
2013/7/18 Dmitry < <>>
As i understand Sailfish OS in based on Mer, difference is very
small ~10 rpm packages.
Why we can`t just use same packages that will be in Sailfish
Emulator of Beta SDK?
On 18 July 2013 19:03, Andrea Bernabei <
<>> wrote:
Hello guys :)
We all know Sailfish has moved to Wayland and will use Wayland
by default in its first phone :)
The time has come for us to start moving Nemo to Wayland as well!
This will give us the opportunity to use the same middleware
Jolla is currently using, and it's our chance to switch to Qt5
and be as connected to Sailfish OS development as possible!
For the N9/N950 users: if you want to have the chance of
seeing Sailfish OS on your phone, please note that THIS is the
way to go! No Wayland on Nemo, no chance of having Sailfish on
your phone! ;) Just to make things clear :D
So...what's the plan?
Yesterday I started working on making a Nemo VM i486 image
which is as Qt4-free as possible, and uses Wayland by default.
You can see the current status of this transition to Wayland here
Stskeeps suggested starting from the VM as it has a stable
hardware adaptation, we can do Wayland images for the other
platforms later on (n9/n950 anyone? :D)
Also, this whole Wayland/Qt5 thing is needed before we start
implementing stuff for the new Nemo UI (which is Glacier UI,
at the moment), as it wouldn't make sense to implement stuff
in Qt4/X11 now and then port everything to Qt5/Wayland shortly
after that, right? :D
After fixing all the needed bits on the wiki page (i.e. look
for all the Qt4 and Qt4-dependent packages we can get rid of,
and write down which of those can be replaced with their Qt5
ports) we have to change stuff in Nemo's boot process (which
is using systemd) so that the new qt5 services are used, and
the Wayland compositor is run at startup, instead of the
current X11 compositor.
I know little about systemd at the moment, I'll start
researching as I'm done with the packages stuff...If you can
help with systemd or can boost my systemd knowledge, please
contact me! :)
People from Jolla are already helping me, but they're often
busy with other stuff, and I can't waste too much of their
time on this, I want them to focus on Sailfish :D
So please bookmark the page I created, and if you want to help
please come talk to me at #nemomobile on IRC :)
This is all,
have a nice evening people!
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