
thanks for the feedback.

And yes in next beta SDK I've added createView() and setView functions to 
sailfishapplication SDK template, which allows you to call setContextProperty 
etc functions in between before loading the QML main page. And also added 
support in template to have main.qml in qrc-resource file. So template will be 
more QML/C++ friendly in next SDK release.

re, Jonni
From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] 
on behalf of Superpelican [superpeli...@zoho.com]
Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2013 6:33 PM
To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
Subject: [SailfishDevel] My sailfishapplication-less setup/project (which 
enables the use of setContext*)


Building on my custom main.cpp which I've showed earlier, I've created a 
sailfishapplication project less project. Which allows you to use the 
setContext* methods which are useful for QML/C++ communication/integration. I 
now also have a custom .pro file, which has the sailfishapplication.* stuff 
removed and has the necessary stuff that was previously in 
sailfishapplication.pri integrated. My custom main.cpp and .pro are in the 
tar.gz archive attachment. I hope this is useful for other SailfishDevel list 
members and saves them some work ;). Of course you will need to edit the 
"TARGET", "desktop.files" and "OTHER_FILES" sections to match your app's name 
and edit the "SOURCES" and "HEADERS" sections according to the .cpp's and 
.hpp's/.h's your project contains.

My project tree now looks like:

 |     |--cover
 |     +--pages
 |--Other files
(Sorry for the bad tree, I'm no ASCII art pro ;) )

The whole sailfishapplication project is left out completely as you can see in 
the tree, no unnecessary stuff left :)

Maybe Jolla can include 2 separate SailfishOS application templates in the beta 
SDK, one "SailfishOS QML only application" template and a "SailfishOS Qt 
Quick/C++ application" template (with a special main.cpp that allows the use of 
setContext* like my main.cpp and custom .pro like mine) :) that would be really 
handy. Especially because Jolla suggest on sailfishos.org that Sailfish apps 
are written in a mixture of QML and C++. So IMHO they should have a QML/C++ 
friendly template ;)
Also some links on sailfishos.org to the Qt-project Wiki's pages about QML/C++ 
communication/integration would be welcome (or additional documentation written 
by Jolla :) ). As like I said above Jolla suggests that Sailfish apps are 
written in a QML/C++ mixture, while (almost) all of the documentation or links 
to documentation on Qt-project.org on sailfishos.org is QML only.

I hope this useful for the other SailfishDevel list members and my feedback is 
useful for Jolla :) And thanks for all the help I got on this list and for all 
the awesome work the Jolla guys and women are doing :), keep up the good work! 

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