Hi guys

I did exactly the same steps that Mariano did. My system is a Ubuntu based 
distro, 64 bits. 
I ssh the emulator with nemo user, thats the trick. It seems that in some 
systems the master channel is muted by default, wich causes this problem.

All the best  

 De: "christopher.l...@thurweb.ch" <christopher.l...@thurweb.ch>
Para: Mariano Boragno <marianobora...@gmail.com> 
Cc: joao morgado <joaodeusmorg...@yahoo.com>; "devel@lists.sailfishos.org" 
Enviadas: Domingo, 16 de Junho de 2013 18:24
Assunto: Re: [SailfishDevel] Playing a wav in Sailfish

Ciao Mariano

The key bit is the user nemo.

I was trying to start alsamixer as user root, and got "connection refused".

After connecting via ssh as user nemo alsamixer works!

1000 grazie


Zitat von "Mariano Boragno" <marianobora...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Chris,
> I don't know if João's system has the same specs as mine (Windows 7 64-bit,
> VBox v4.2.12). What I did (same as João) are the following steps:
>    1. Connect to the Emulator (SSH or Alt+Ctrl+F2 in the emulator window,
>    nemo/nemo to log in).
>    2. Run alsamixer in the command line.
>    3. Press F6 and select "0 HDA Intel" from the list (that is the sound
>    card in my case, don't know if it's always the same).
>    4. You will find that the master channel is muted. Press M key to unmute
>    it and adjust it with the up/down arrow keys.
>    5. Do the same for all muted output channels, if there are some.
>    6. Press ESC to quit alsamixer.
>    7. You are done, sounds was working fine, it was just muted :)
> That did the trick for me and seems it did for João too.
> João, glad you worked it out! :)
> Sail on!
> ...Mariano Boragno...
> On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 1:47 PM, <christopher.l...@thurweb.ch> wrote:
>> Hi João
>> It's really cool that you have got this working!
>> What exactly did you do in alsamixer?
>> If you let us know, then maybe one of the Jolla Sailors will add this to
>> the known issues page.
>> Chris
>> Zitat von "joao morgado" <joaodeusmorg...@yahoo.com>:
>>  Thank all for your precious help, the sound is working now.
>>> Using SSH_AUTH_SOCK=  did the trick, I was able to log in.
>>> Then in the sdk, alsamixer was unknow, I installed alsa-utils with "sudo
>>> zypper in alsa-utils" and still no alsamixer.
>>> It was when I ssh the emulator that I could use alsamixer, the problem
>>> was in fact the mute and low sound, I had to playaround a bit to select the
>>> correct sound card.
>>> Solved :)
>>> Thanks again
>>> João
>>> ______________________________**__
>>>  De: Mariano Boragno <marianobora...@gmail.com>
>>> Para: joao morgado <joaodeusmorg...@yahoo.com>; "
>>> christopher.l...@thurweb.ch" <christopher.l...@thurweb.ch>
>>> Cc: "devel@lists.sailfishos.org" <devel@lists.sailfishos.org>
>>> Enviadas: Domingo, 16 de Junho de 2013 12:59
>>> Assunto: Re: [SailfishDevel] Playing a wav in Sailfish
>>> I just wanted to add that I had no sound either at Windows. After
>>> connecting to the emulator through ssh I just used alsamix to adjust the
>>> volume (had to select the sound card in there), it was mutes. That brought
>>> the sound on!
>>> Hope this helps!
>>> Regards...
>>> --
>>> ...Mariano Boragno...
>>> On 16/06/13 04:29 christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
>>> Hi Joao
>>> we need to get your SSH connections working! Just like every driver
>>> should at least be able open the bonnet of a car, so being able to ssh to
>>> the SDK and Emulator is very handy. (and the little boy in me just loves to
>>> open things up ...)
>>> Trekking back to the Alpha known issues page:
>>> https://sailfishos.org/wiki/**SDK_Alpha_Known_Issues<https://sailfishos.org/wiki/SDK_Alpha_Known_Issues>
>>> we find quite a few hints on SSH problems, including:
>>> If you get "Agent admitted failure to sign using the key" when using ssh,
>>> try setting SSH_AUTH_SOCK=
>>> When I was playing around with a Sailfish on Lubuntu host that fixed it
>>> for me.
>>> Try that on the command line of your development host.
>>> Another possible solution is suggested here (for GitHub, not Sailfish)
>>> https://help.github.com/**articles/error-agent-admitted-**failure-to-sign<https://help.github.com/articles/error-agent-admitted-failure-to-sign>
>>> Chris
>>> Zitat von "joao morgado" <joaodeusmorg...@yahoo.com>:
>>>> Hi Chris
>>>> Thanks for your help. I activated the audio in virtualbox with the
>>>> options PulseAudio and ICH AC97 (I tested other options also), tested your
>>>> program and still no sound. From what I've googled, it seems to be a
>>>> virtualbox problem, some people fix it by changing PulseAudio and ICH AC97
>>>> options, but to me still didnt work.
>>>> I tried to ssh  the sdk with "ssh -i ~/.ssh/mer-qt-creator-rsa
>>>> mersdk@localhost -p 2222" but I got an error:
>>>> "Agent admitted failure to sign using the key.
>>>> Permission denied (publickey)."
>>>> I got the same error trying to ssh the emulator, don't know why I,
>>>> because from the QtCreator Tools -> Options -> devices , I can sucessfully
>>>> test the connections with the emulator.
>>>> At least I know that it's not  a problem with my code.
>>>> Regards
>>>> João
>>>> ______________________________**__
>>>>  De: "christopher.l...@thurweb.ch" <christopher.l...@thurweb.ch>
>>>> Para: joao morgado <joaodeusmorg...@yahoo.com>
>>>> Cc: "devel@lists.sailfishos.org" <devel@lists.sailfishos.org>
>>>> Enviadas: Sexta-feira, 14 de Junho de 2013 7:49
>>>> Assunto: Re: [SailfishDevel] Playing a wav in Sailfish
>>>> Hi João
>>>> I have just made a little demo project, importing QtMultimediaKit 1.1,
>>>> and a SoundEffect Component.
>>>> I added a Button component to the Column to play the sound when clicked.
>>>> My Demo works, I get a swish sound when the button is clicked.
>>>> You will find the code of my FirstPage at the bottom of this mail.
>>>> Create a new demo project, and paste my code into the FirstPage.
>>>> Note I copied my wav to the pages folder (alongside FirstPage). Please
>>>> substitute your own wav file - I grabbed the first one I could find on
>>>> the train. Put you wav in the Pages folder.
>>>> Do you get any sound at all from the Emulator? For instance on a demo
>>>> new project with the PullDownMenu you should get a distinct "click"
>>>> sound when the menu opens.
>>>> On the known issues page
>>>> https://sailfishos.org/wiki/**SDK_Alpha_Known_Issues#**Emulator<https://sailfishos.org/wiki/SDK_Alpha_Known_Issues#Emulator>I
>>>> found
>>>> this:
>>>> "The sound is not enabled in the Emulator. Fix: Shutdown the emulator;
>>>> Open virtualbox manager; Pick "SailfishOS Emulator", Pick Settings,
>>>> pick Audio, Enable audio (default driver). Accept. Start Emulator. The
>>>> Pulley menus make a sound for testing purposes."
>>>> Assuming that you do get sound, do you have QtMultimedia installed?
>>>> Connect to the SDK by SSH and search for QtMultimedia with zipper:
>>>> zypper se multi
>>>> I get this:
>>>> S | Name                                             | Zusammenfassung
>>>>                                 | Typ
>>>> --+---------------------------**-----------------------+------**
>>>> ------------------------------**------------+------
>>>>    | libdeclarative-multimedia                        | Qt Mobility
>>>> Multimedia QML plugin              | Paket
>>>>    | libqtmultimediakit1                              | Qt Mobility
>>>> MultimediaKit module               | Paket
>>>> i | multi_c_rehash                                   | A c_rehash
>>>> implementation in C                 | Paket
>>>>    | multi_c_rehash-debuginfo                         | Debug
>>>> information for package multi_c_rehash   | Paket
>>>>    | multi_c_rehash-debugsource                       | Debug sources
>>>> for package multi_c_rehash       | Paket
>>>> Repeat with the the Emulator:
>>>> If  you don't get anything like this then you will have to install
>>>> QtMultimedia.
>>>> Chris
>>>> //Start FirstPage.qml
>>>> import QtQuick 1.1
>>>> import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
>>>> import QtMultimediaKit 1.1
>>>> Page {
>>>>      id: page
>>>>      // To enable PullDownMenu, place our content in a SilicaFlickable
>>>>      SilicaFlickable {
>>>>          anchors.fill: parent
>>>>          // PullDownMenu and PushUpMenu must be declared in
>>>> SilicaFlickable, SilicaListView or SilicaGridView
>>>>          PullDownMenu {
>>>>              MenuItem {
>>>>                  text: "Show Page 2"
>>>>                  onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl(**
>>>> "SecondPage.qml"))
>>>>              }
>>>>          }
>>>>          // Tell SilicaFlickable the height of its content.
>>>>          contentHeight: childrenRect.height
>>>>          // Place our content in a Column.  The PageHeader is always
>>>> placed at the top
>>>>          // of the page, followed by our content.
>>>>          Column {
>>>>              width: page.width
>>>>              spacing: theme.paddingLarge
>>>>              PageHeader {
>>>>                  title: "UI Template"
>>>>              }
>>>>              Label {
>>>>                  x: theme.paddingLarge
>>>>                  text: "Hello Sailors"
>>>>                  color: theme.secondaryHighlightColor
>>>>                  font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarge
>>>>              }
>>>>              Button {
>>>>                  text: "Sound"
>>>>                  onClicked: mySound.play()
>>>>              }
>>>>          }
>>>>          SoundEffect { id: mySound
>>>>              //substitue your own wav file here, and copy it to the
>>>> pages directory!
>>>>              //this is the first one I could find while experimenting
>>>> on the train
>>>>              source: "92909__Robinhood76__01526_**swoosh_2.wav"
>>>>          }
>>>>      }
>>>> }
>>>> //End FirstPage.qml
>>>> Zitat von "joao morgado" <joaodeusmorg...@yahoo.com>:
>>>> Hi
>>>>> I'm porting a app from Meego/Symbian, I need to play a wav file. I
>>>>> used importQtMultimediaKit1.1 and SoundEffect element. I
>>>>> tought QtMultimediaKit was only available in Meego / Symbian, but my
>>>>> app runs fine in the emulator, so I guess I'm good to go. I don't
>>>>> hear any sound, I'm assuming it's a emulator limitation, can please
>>>>> someone confirm that ?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> João de Deus
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