HI David

Good to hear from you again.

My main Sailfish development host is a MacBookAir, mainly because it lets me do stuff like program while sitting on my terrace soaking in the sun (very rare this year) with a beer next to me (the current use case), or hack on the train to work (tomorrow morning's use case).

This means that a typical workflow for me is:
1) Program / test it bit ..
2) Close the MBA lid while everything is stil running (SDK, Emulator et al)
3) do something else like changing trains / getting another beer
4) open the MBA lid, continue programming

I have kind of got used to the fact that after point 4), that while the SDK and Emulator are still running, QtCreator begs to differ.

Either QtCreator thinks both are not running, or I get the timing issues reported below (SDK in the future), so I have got used to killing / restarting both as a matter of course.

It had occurred to me that maybe some kind of service to sync the time of the Emulator / SDK with the development host would be the answer, but haven't yet had time to explore further.

I have just tried the command from your mail. On both the Emulator and the SDK I get the following.

-bash-3.2$ systemctl status vboxservice.service
          Loaded: error (Reason: No such file or directory)
          Active: inactive (dead)

Maybe I am jumping to conclusions, but "error" and "dead" don't sound that healthy!



Zitat von "David Greaves" <david.grea...@jollamobile.com>:

On 16/06/13 09:23, Weixiang Guan wrote:
Hello everyone, I am new to the Sailfish SDK. I used to develop in Qt before, but the way how Qt and the Sailfish SDK cooperate is new to me. So far I have
found some issues in this kind of cooperation.

Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback

1. I noticed that when I just installed the SDK, in the Qt creator, if I
click on the Mer platform start button or the emulator start button, nothing
happened. After I restarted the computer, they worked. This does not bother me now, but eventually one may need to restart after installation, which I did not
see in the installation document.

This is not supposed to happen. What host platform are you using?

2. Sometimes when I click the emulator start button, the emulator starts, but the button is still green, and when deploying, I am told that the emulator
is not started. Then I need to shut down the emulator and restart it again,
until the button is red.

We've seen this issue and will handle the VM management better.

3. This may not be a bug, but some configuration issue that I don’t know. I get very often the warning that the Makefile is modified in some seconds in the future. I read some articles in the internet, and it appears that the clock of the target computer (which is the Mer platform I presume) is not synchronized
with the source computer (the hosting computer). If this is not a bug, could
someone please tell me how I can sync the clock?

There should be a service running to synchronise time : /usr/bin/VBoxService
Running this command as root in the SDK will tell you the status
  systemctl status vboxservice.service

4. In the Qt creator, all the standard Qt library headers are not found!
Hence the auto-completion does not work. I need to go to help to check the
function etc. then I go back to the code. I presume that this may be because of the Mer platform SDK, that the app is built there and hence the headers are not available in the hosting computer. Could someone please tell me if there is a
workaround to make Qt creator find the headers, so that the auto-completion
would work?

Auto completion should work - the header files in the SDK are shared with the
host using the 'targets' shared folder. We're improving testing in this area too.


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