Hi David,
Good news and bad news.
Bad news: The generic gdb will not work on OSX. You need a cross compiled gdb 
for i386 linux elf.
Good news: QML debugging is available.
We will try to ship a cross compiled gdb with the next release of the SDK. 
Sorry for the inconvenience.
IRC: auri__ @ freenode

On Sunday, May 26, 2013 21:30, "David Reinhold" <da...@reinholds.se> said:

Hi, and thank you for answering fast
Sorry, I didn't explain myself very clear. I downloaded the SDK and tried to 
debug my project and got an error saying that there was no debugger installed. 
I tried to Google how to install a debugger for Qt Creator and one tip that I 
found was to use the gdb-debugger that comes with Xcode. I couldn't set a 
debugger for the Kit that was installed with the SDK (the Manage-button was 
disabled) so I cloned the existing Kit and set the Xcode gdb-debugger as the 
one to use in the clone. Now I get an error saying "Reading debug information 
failed: <ProjectName>: not in executable format: File format not recognized". I 
checked the settings under Projects and both C++ and qml debugging are enabled.
When i look under Targets in the SailfishOS menu there are a lot of 
"something-devel" that I can install. Is there something there that I should 
install to get it working?

26 maj 2013 kl. 01:21 skrev "Aurindam Jana" <[mailto:m...@aurindamjana.in] 

You need to use the Qt Creator that is shipped with the SailfishOS SDK.
Make sure that you have selected both QML debugiing and C++ debugging (both are 
enabled by default for SailfishOS applications)
IRC: auri__ @ freenode
[http://www.aurindamjana.in] www.aurindamjana.in

On Saturday, May 25, 2013 23:15, "David Reinhold" <[mailto:da...@reinholds.se] 
da...@reinholds.se> said:

> Hi!
> Noob question from a .Net developer used to Visual Studio: How do I
> debug a sailfish application (qml+javascript) in QT Creator (Mac OS X
> 10.8)? I've set gdb (that came with XCode) as the debugger but I get
> an error saying that the file is not recognised as an executable or
> something like that (I can give you the exact error message when I get
> back to my computer). I can imagine that the Xcode debugger isn't
> really what I should be using but what should I use instead?
> I really would appreciate any pointers here as I have a list if apps
> that I want to have on my new phone when it arrives.
> Regards,
> David
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