Hello fellow SailfishDevel list members,
 I'm writing a QML/Sailfish Silica app that will use the logic of a CLI C++ 
application I had already written. I've also already created a QML/Silica UI. 
So I will need to let C++ and QML communicate (for example the C++ code has to 
know when a QML Button is clicked)
 and the C++ code will need to change the properties (for example text of a 
label) of QML items.
 I'm still quite new to programming and Qt/QML, so I'm still figuring out how 
to let C++ and QML communicate with each other (which is the most difficult 
part in programming for me until now). I'm currently reading Qt Docs 
QDeclarativeContext . The Qt Docs says that you should create a 
QDeclarativeContext object first to be able to change QML properties from C++, 
but to create a context you need to pass the QDeclarativeEngine object as a 

  QDeclarativeContext *context = new QDeclarativeContext(engine.rootContext());

 However the Sailfish example application (on which I based my app) is 
initialized differently than a normal QML application (like those on the Qt 
Docs). So does the Sailfish example application (I mean the 
sailfishapplication.cpp and main.cpp parts) create a QDeclarativeEngine object?
 In other words: are those Sailfish namespace functions just a wrapper of the 
normal Qt initialization calls with special parameters for Sailfish apps? (it 
looks like that to me)

 Thanks in advance,

 Superpelican :)

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