Hi Josh
do you mean QAudioDevice, or QAudioDeviceInfo?
Sailfish currently uses Qt 4.8.3, so the standard 4.8.3 Mobility apis
and docus should apply.
e.g. http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qaudiodeviceinfo.html
If I add the audiodevices.h from that example to a demo SailfishOS
project, then
#include <QAudioDeviceInfo> is recognized in my SailfishOS QtCreator
As an experiment I removed the package qt-mobility-devel from the SDK.
After this QAudioDeviceInfo was no longer recognized.
Zitat von "Josh Alner | Killer Mobile Software" <j...@killermobile.com>:
Hey Chris,
When I add QtMobility APIs and include some of the mobility headers
it is not recognized such as QAudioDevice etc.
I will double check if my Mobility is installed properly and
available in the path.
Thanks for the reply
Josh Alner
Killer Mobile Software LLC
Twitter: twitter.com/killermobile
On 5/3/2013 10:56 AM, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
Hi Josh
Could you better define "It doesn't seem to work"? What errors do you get?
Have you installed the QtMobility Packages on the SDK and Emulator?
You will find earlier threads on this.
Zitat von "Josh Alner | Killer Mobile Software" <j...@killermobile.com>:
We are working on porting an application written for MeeGo to Sailfish.
We have decided to re-write the UI to leverage the new UI elements
that Sailfish provides.
But the back end which is about recording sounds uses QtMobility APIs.
It doesn't seem to work as it is in a sailfish project. It will be
great if someone points me to some examples on how to use
QRecorder or QAudioDevice or whatever that is in Sailfish. Even an
API document should help.. All I would want to do is record and
play audio.
Josh Alner
Killer Mobile Software LLC
Twitter: twitter.com/killermobile
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