Hi Christopher

The package you are looking for is qt-mobility-devel which  belongs to qt
4.8.3. You don't need qt5 packages

El 08/04/2013 23:42, <christopher.l...@thurweb.ch> escribió:

> Hi Aurindam
> Thank you for your kind advice. I was hoping that it was something simple,
> or that I was having an attack of the sillies.
> I had not noticed the Sailfish SDK Control Center until you pointed me to
> it.
> I have now installed the qt5-qtmultimedia-devel package, and restarted
> everything.
> On the positive side I now have a new directory
> //SailfishOS/mersdk/targets/**SailfishOS-1486-x86/usr/**
> include/qt5/QtMultimedia/
> which contains QCamera and qcamera.h
> On the negative side I still get the error "QCamera: No such file or
> directory" as before. However it is too late tonight for me to think about
> why - maybe tomorrow morning something blindingly obvious will occur to me
> .....
> It is also interesting that there is a mixture of Qt versions. The base
> SDK seems to be 4.8.3, but some of the packages listed in the Sailfish SDK
> Control Center are Qt5.
> Thanks for your help
> Chris
> from a still snowy Switzerland.
> Zitat von "Aurindam Jana" <m...@aurindamjana.in>:
>> Hi,
>> This is because the qt-mobility-devel package is not installed in the
>> target that is shipped with the SDK.
>> However, you can install it via the SDK Control Center.
>> Start the MerSDK VM. In Qt Creator, go to SailfishOS Mode (the sailfish
>> icon on the left panel between Projects and Analyze). This is the SDK
>> Control Center. You should see a page where you can configure targets.
>> Instead if you see the message, "The SDK VM is not responding...", then
>> from the Menu go to Tools->External->SailfishOS->**Launch the MerSDK.
>> Once the MerSDK VM is running, click on the sailfish icon next to
>> "about:blank", you should now see a page where you can configure targets.
>> Click on "Manage" next to SailfishOS-i486-x86 and you will see a list of
>> packages for the target. Scroll down to qt-mobility-devel and hit install.
>> Regards,
>> Aurindam
>> IRC: auri__ @ freenode
>> www.aurindamjana.in
>> On Sunday, April 7, 2013 16:50, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch said:
>>  Hi all
>>> firstly I would like to congratulate the guys at Jolla / Sailfish for
>>> their great work so far: It's looking very promising. Maybe there is
>>> life after the N9 after all.
>>> This weekend I installed the alpha Sailfish SDK on OSX. I was quickly
>>> able to add the kits for my N9, the QEMU Harmattan Emulator and the N9
>>> Simulator, and run my current Harmattan project against these.
>>> Then I decided to try the same project against Sailfish: to see how
>>> easy it would be to get it up and running. As my project uses the GPS,
>>> the camera and sends SMSs this is probably quite an evil test for an
>>> SDK that is only in Alpha.
>>> So having made no changes at all to the project I pressed the green
>>> run button in QtCreator ....
>>> On compiling I get the error "QCamera no such file or directory"
>>> After much searching and comparison of the Harmattan and Sailfish SDKs
>>> I find the following:
>>> 1)
>>> //SailfishOS/mersdk/targets/**SailfishOS-1486-x86/usr/lib/
>>> contains the 3 files
>>> libQtMultimediaKit.so.1
>>> libQtMultimediaKit.so.1.2
>>> libQtMultimediaKit.so.1.2.2
>>> while
>>> //QtSDK/Madde/sysroots/**harmattan_sysroot_10.2.2011.**
>>> 34-1_slim/usr/lib/
>>> contains the 4 files
>>> libQtMultimediaKit.so
>>> libQtMultimediaKit.so.1
>>> libQtMultimediaKit.so.1.2
>>> libQtMultimediaKit.so.1.2.2
>>> this directory also contains libQtMultimedia files which are not
>>> present in Sailfish equivalent
>>> 2) the directories
>>> //SailfishOS/mersdk/targets/**SailfishOS-1486-x86/usr/lib/**qt4/imports/
>>> //QtSDK/Madde/sysroots/**harmattan_sysroot_10.2.2011.**
>>> 34-1_slim/usr/lib/qt4/imports/
>>> both contain a subdirectory QtMultimediaKit
>>> 3) the two directories
>>> //SailfishOS/mersdk/targets/**SailfishOS-1486-x86/usr/**include/qt4/
>>> //QtSDK/Madde/sysroots/**harmattan_sysroot_10.2.2011.**
>>> 34-1_slim/usr/include/qt4/
>>> look quite different, with the harmattan version having more
>>> subdirectories, including the QtMultimediaKit within which the QCamera
>>> and qcamera.h files lurk.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Chris
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