Revision: 25765

Author:   cgrzemba
Date:     2016-06-07 14:19:58 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jun 2016)
Log Message:
add some IPS packaging stuff

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/   2016-06-07 12:38:37 UTC (rev 25764)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/   2016-06-07 14:19:58 UTC (rev 25765)
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
 from lib.python import common_constants
-from lib.python import configuration
 USAGE = '''%prog [-i path][-x path][-I path][-X path]

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/  2016-06-07 12:38:37 UTC (rev 25764)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/  2016-06-07 14:19:58 UTC (rev 25765)
@@ -15,8 +15,14 @@
 # use opencsw pakckage db for resolve dependencies for IPS packages
+# to brake dependency cycles can packages which match pattern be published in 
a post cycle
+IPS_2PHASE_PUBLISH_PATTERN = $(if $(IPS_2PHASE_PUBLISH),%utils %util %tools 
 # prepend this to the package name
+# on publish cleanup preexisting package in repo
@@ -343,7 +349,7 @@
 # Make sure the configuration files always have a .CSW suffix and rename the
 # configuration files to this if necessary during merge.
-ifneq ($(GAROSREL),5.11)
+ifneq ($(PKGFORMAT),ips)
 _EXTRA_PAX_ARGS += $(foreach FILE,$(SAMPLECONF:%\.CSW=%) 
$(PRESERVECONF:%\.CSW=%),-s ",^\.\($(FILE)\)$$,.\1\.CSW,p")
@@ -445,7 +451,7 @@
 # as argument
 define _pkgfiles_exclude
-  $(foreach S,$(filter-out $(1),$(_PKG_SPECS)), 
+  $(foreach S,$(filter-out $(1) $(NOPACKAGE_IPS),$(_PKG_SPECS)), 
@@ -454,7 +460,7 @@
 define _pkgfiles_include
-  $(PKGFILES_$(1)) 
+  $(PKGFILES_$(1))
@@ -1001,12 +1007,18 @@
 _buildpackage: pre-package $(PACKAGE_TARGETS) post-package $(if $(filter-out 
 # _buildpackage-ips: pre-package $(PACKAGE_TARGETS_IPS) post-package $(if 
$(filter-out 0,$(ENABLE_CHECK)),pkgcheck)
-_buildpackage-ips: pre-package $(PACKAGE_TARGETS_IPS) post-package 
+_buildpackage-ips: pre-package $(PACKAGE_TARGETS_IPS) post-package 
package-publish-lib package-publish-other
 # generates p5m from proto and publishs
+# if IPS_2PHASE_PUBLISH publish util and tool packages in a post step
+# package-publish-lib: nowpublish = $(filter-out %utils %util %tools 
%tool,$(filter lib%,$(_PKG_SPECS_IPS)))
+# package-publish-other: nowpublish = $(filter-out $(filter-out %utils %util 
%tool %tools,$(filter lib%,$(_PKG_SPECS_IPS))),$(_PKG_SPECS_IPS))
+package-publish-lib: nowpublish = $(filter-out 
+package-publish-other: nowpublish = $(filter-out $(filter-out 
+       @echo "PUBLISH: $(nowpublish)"
        $(if $(IPS_USE_PKG_DB), \
-               $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS_IPS),\
+               $(foreach SPEC,$(nowpublish),\
                        $(GARBIN)/pkg_resolve $(DEBUG_FLAG) \
                        --arch "$(GARCH)" \
                        --os-release "$(SPKG_OSNAME)" \
@@ -1014,12 +1026,13 @@
                        --pkg-root "$(PKGROOT)" $(SPEC).proto > $(SPEC).p5p,  \
                        cp $@.proto $@.p5p))
        $(if $(IPS_RM_SAME_VERS),\
-               $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS_IPS),\
+               $(foreach SPEC,$(nowpublish),\
                        pkgrepo remove -s  $(SPKG_EXPORT_IPS)  
-       $(_DBG)cd $(WORKDIR) && pkgdepend resolve -m $(foreach 
-       $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS_IPS),\
-               ( cd $(WORKDIR) && cp $(SPEC).p5p.res $(SPEC).p5m && \
-                       pkglint -c /var/tmp/build_$(LOGNAME)/lint-cache -r 
$(SPKG_EXPORT_IPS) $(SPEC).p5m ); \
+       @echo "Resolve dependencies for $(nowpublish)"
+       $(_DBG)cd $(WORKDIR) && pkgdepend resolve -m $(foreach 
SPEC,$(nowpublish),$(SPEC).p5p )
+       $(foreach SPEC,$(nowpublish),\
+               ( cd $(WORKDIR) && pkgmogrify -I $(GARDIR)transforms 
remove-os-version $(SPEC).p5p.res > $(SPEC).p5m && \
+                       pkglint -f $(GARDIR)/pkglintrc -c 
/var/tmp/build_$(LOGNAME)/lint-cache -r $(SPKG_EXPORT_IPS) $(SPEC).p5m ) && \
                pkgsend publish -s $(SPKG_EXPORT_IPS) -d $(SPKG_PKGROOT) 
$(WORKDIR)/$(SPEC).p5m; )
 _package: validateplatform extract-global merge $(SPKG_DESTDIRS) _buildpackage
@@ -1082,15 +1095,24 @@
        @$(foreach COOKIEFILE,$(PACKAGE_TARGETS), test -e 
 # -- IPS Packaging --
+define _pkgfiles_include_dev
+  $(if $(filter $(PKGFORMAT-$(GAROSREL)),ips),
+     $(if $(filter $(IPS_DEVPKG),$(1)),
+       $(PKGFILES_$(filter %-dev,$(_PKG_SPECS)))
+       )
+  )
 .PRECIOUS: $(WORKDIR)/%.proto
 $(WORKDIR)/%.proto: _PKGFILES_EXCLUDE=$(call _pkgfiles_exclude,CSW$*)
 $(WORKDIR)/%.proto: _PKGFILES_INCLUDE=$(call _pkgfiles_include,CSW$*)
+$(WORKDIR)/%.proto: _PKGFILES_INCLUDE_DEV=$(call _pkgfiles_include_dev,CSW$*)
 $(WORKDIR)/%.proto: $(WORKDIR)
-       $(_DBG) @echo "PKG: $(IPS_PACKAGE_PREFIX)$*"
+       $(_DBG) @echo "\nPKG: $(IPS_PACKAGE_PREFIX)$*"
        $(_DBG) pkgsend generate $(PKGROOT) >$@.gen
-       $(_DBG)if [ -n "$(PKGFILES_CSW$*_SHARED)" -o \
-             -n "$(PKGFILES_CSW$*)" -o \
+       $(_DBG)if [ -n "$(_PKGFILES_INCLUDE)" -o \
              -n "$(_PKGFILES_EXCLUDE)" -o \
              -n "$(ISAEXEC_FILES_CSW$*)" -o \
              -n "$(ISAEXEC_FILES)" ]; then \
@@ -1107,7 +1129,7 @@
                      $(foreach I,$(EXTRA_PKGFILES_INCLUDED) 
                      $(foreach X,$(EXTRA_PKGFILES_EXCLUDED) 
                      $(foreach FILE,$(_PKGFILES_INCLUDE),-i '$(FILE)') \
-                     $(if $(_PKGFILES_INCLUDE),-x '.*',$(foreach 
+                     $(if $(_PKGFILES_INCLUDE),$(foreach 
FILE,$(_PKGFILES_INCLUDE_DEV),-i '$(FILE)') -x '.*',$(foreach 
                      $(foreach IE,$(abspath $(ISAEXEC_FILES_CSW$*) 
                          -e '$(IE)=$(dir $(IE))$(ISA_DEFAULT)/$(notdir $(IE))' 
                       ) \
@@ -1117,21 +1139,22 @@
        else \
          cp $@.gen $@.filtered; \
-       $(if $(and $(INITSMF),$(filter $(shell cat 
$(WORKDIR)/$@.filtered),$(patsubst /%,%,$(INITSMF)))), \
+       $(if $(and $(INITSMF),$(filter $(shell cat $@.filtered),$(patsubst 
/%,%,$(INITSMF)))), \
            ginstall -d $(PKGROOT)/var/svc/manifest/site; \
-           svcbundle -o $(PKGROOT)/var/svc/manifest/$(notdir $(INITSMF)).xml 
-s service-name=$(notdir $(INITSMF)) -s model=daemon -s 
start-method="$(INITSMF) start" -s stop-method="$(INITSMF) stop"; \
-           echo "<transform pkg -> emit file owner=root group=sys mode=755 
path=var/svc/manifest/site/$(notdir $(INITSMF)).xml>" >> $@.filtered; )
+           svcbundle -o $(PKGROOT)/var/svc/manifest/site/$(notdir 
$(INITSMF)).xml -s service-name=$(notdir $(INITSMF)) -s model=daemon -s 
start-method="$(INITSMF) start" -s stop-method="$(INITSMF) stop"; \
+           @echo "<transform pkg -> emit file owner=root group=sys mode=755 
path=var/svc/manifest/site/$(notdir $(INITSMF)).xml>" >> $@.filtered; )
        $(_DBG)$(foreach DFILE,$(IPS_PKGFILES_DEVEL), echo "<transform file 
path=$(patsubst /%,%,$(DFILE)) -> default facet.devel true>" >> $@.filtered; )
        $(foreach BIT,$(IPS_BYPASS_GENERATE_DEP), echo "<transform file 
path=$(patsubst /%,%,$(BIT)) -> default pkg.depend.bypass-generate .*>" >> 
$@.filtered; )
        $(foreach BIT,$(PKGFILES_CSW$*_SHARED), \
                echo "<transform file path=$(patsubst /%,%,$(BIT)) -> default 
overlay allow>" >> $@.filtered; \
                echo "<transform file path=$(patsubst /%,%,$(BIT)) -> default 
preserve legacy>" >> $@.filtered )
-       $(foreach PKG,$(filter-out $(_PKG_SPECS),$(RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSW$*)), 
echo "<transform pkg -> emit depend fmri=pkg:/$(patsubst CSW%,%,$(PKG)) 
type=require>" >> $@.filtered; )
+       $(if $(IPS_GET_DEP), \
+         $(foreach PKG,$(filter-out $(_PKG_SPECS),$(RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSW$*)), 
echo "<transform pkg -> emit depend fmri=pkg:/$(patsubst CSW%,%,$(PKG)) 
type=require>" >> $@.filtered; ))
        $(foreach CONF,$(PRESERVECONF), echo "<transform file path=$(patsubst 
/%,%,$(CONF)) -> default preserve renamenew>" >> $@.filtered; )
        mv $@.filtered $@
 IPS_META_CLASSIFICATION ?= Applications/Accessories
@@ -1140,12 +1163,18 @@
 $(WORKDIR)/%.meta: cswpkgname = CSW$(subst _,-,$*)
 $(WORKDIR)/%.meta: $(WORKDIR)
+       $(if $(PKGFILES_$(filter %-dev, $(_PKG_SPECS))),,$(error dev package is 
catch all package, since IPS we do not provide devel and doc packages, you have 
to specify witch packages gets the devel files by remove there PKGFILES_CSW 
+       $(if $(IPS_DEVPKG),,$(error Assign development files to a package, by 
setting IPS_DEVPKG = CSWpackagename))
+       $(foreach P,$(filter-out $(IPS_DEVPKG) %-dev, $(_PKG_SPECS)), $(if 
$(PKGFILES_$(P)),,$(error $(P) is catch all package, since IPS we do not 
provide devel and doc packages, only the IPS_DEVPKG can be a catchall package)))
        $(if $(filter %/,$(IPS_PACKAGE_PREFIX)),,$(error IPS_PACKAGE_PREFIX 
must ending in a / wheres this did not: $(IPS_PACKAGE_PREFIX)))
        $(_DBG)(echo "set name=pkg.fmri 
        echo "set name=pkg.summary value=\"$(IPS_META_SUMMARY)\""; \
        echo "set name=pkg.description value=\"$(IPS_META_DESCRIPTION)\""; \
        echo "set name=info.classification 
value=org.opensolaris.category.2008:$(IPS_META_CLASSIFICATION)"; \
        echo "<transform pkg -> emit legacy arch=$(GARCH) category=\"$(if 
$(CATEGORY),$(CATEGORY),application)\" desc=\"$(SPKG_DESC_$(cswpkgname))\" 
name=\"$(cswpkgname)\" pkg=$(cswpkgname) variant.arch=$(GARCH) vendor=\"$(call 
pkgvar,SPKG_VENDOR,$(cswpkgname))\" version=$(call 
pkgvar,SPKG_VERSION,$(cswpkgname)),$(call pkgvar,SPKG_REVSTAMP,$(cswpkgname)) 
hotline=\"\";>"; \
+    $(if $(filter $(IPS_DEVPKG),$(cswpkgname)), \
+       $(foreach D,$(filter %-dev, $(_PKG_SPECS)), \
+            echo "<transform pkg -> emit legacy arch=$(GARCH) category=\"$(if 
$(CATEGORY),$(CATEGORY),application)\" desc=\"$(SPKG_DESC_$(cswpkgname)), 
developer\" name=\"$(D)\" pkg=$(D) variant.arch=$(GARCH) vendor=\"$(call 
pkgvar,SPKG_VENDOR,$(cswpkgname))\" version=$(call 
pkgvar,SPKG_VERSION,$(cswpkgname)),$(call pkgvar,SPKG_REVSTAMP,$(cswpkgname)) 
hotline=\"\";>"; )) \
        echo "<transform pkg -> emit license $(call licensedir,CSW$(subst 
_,-,$*))/license license=\"see license file\">"; \
        $(_CATEGORY_IPS_META) ; \
        ) >$@

Added: csw/mgar/gar/v2/pkglint/
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/pkglint/                         (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/pkglint/ 2016-06-07 14:19:58 UTC (rev 25765)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
+# or
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
+# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
+# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
+# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+# Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Added: csw/mgar/gar/v2/pkglint/
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/pkglint/                          (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/pkglint/  2016-06-07 14:19:58 UTC (rev 25765)
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
+# or
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
+# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
+# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
+# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+# Copyright (c) Carsten Grzemba
+import pkg.lint.base as base
+import subprocess as sp
+import os
+class OpenCSWActionChecker(base.ActionChecker):
+    """An OpenCSW-specific class to check actions."""
+    name = "opencsw.action"
+    def __init__(self, config):
+            self.description = _(
+                "checks OpenCSW packages for common action errors")
+            super(OpenCSWActionChecker, self).__init__(config)
+    def split_packages(self, manifest, engine, pkglint_id="001"):
+       """Warn if there shared libries in standard path
+       """
+    split_packages.pkglint_desc = _("Package should split out subpackages for 
shared libraries")
+class OpenCSWManifestChecker(base.ManifestChecker):
+    """An class to check manifests."""
+    name = "opencsw.manifest"
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        self.description = _(
+            "checks OpenCSW packages for common errors")
+        super(OpenCSWManifestChecker, self).__init__(config)
+    def recipe_uncommited(self, manifest, engine, pkglint_id="001"):
+        """Warn when a build recipe is not commited
+        """
+        p = sp.Popen("cd ../../.. && svn st --ignore-externals", shell=True, 
+        p.wait()
+        err =
+        if len(err) > 0:
+            engine.error(
+                _("SVN error for {pkg} recipe on path 
{path}\n{msg}").format(pkg=manifest.fmri, path=os.path.abspath(''), msg=err),
+                msgid="{0}{1}.1".format(, pkglint_id))
+        else:
+            if
+                engine.warning(
+                    _("Build recipe should commited for publish 
+                    msgid="{0}{1}.1".format(, pkglint_id))
+    recipe_uncommited.pkglint_desc = _("Build recipe should commited to 
+    def packageprefixname_notset(self, manifest, engine, pkglint_id="002"):
+        """ set name=pkg.fmri value=diagnotic/nrpe@2.15
+        """
+        if manifest.fmri.get_name().find('/',1) < 0 :
+            engine.error(_("IPS_PACKAGE_PREFIX must set in build recipe, 
missing prefix in {fmri}").format(fmri=manifest.fmri),
+                                               msgid="%s%s.2" % (, 
+    packageprefixname_notset.pkglint_desc = _( "build recipe must set package 
name prefix for package FMRI" )

Added: csw/mgar/gar/v2/pkglintrc
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/pkglintrc                           (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/pkglintrc   2016-06-07 14:19:58 UTC (rev 25765)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Whether to show the progress tracker during lint runs
+use_progress_tracker = True
+# The default log level at which to start emitting messages
+# log levels are, in order of increasing priority,
+log_level = INFO
+# Perform checks that may only make sense for published packages.
+do_pub_checks = True
+# pkglint.ext.* keys indicate python modules that should be
+# automatically loaded and check methods exectuted during
+# each lint run.
+# key = python package implementing those checks
+# pkglint.ext.other =
+# List modules or methods which should be excluded from
+# execution during each lint run.
+pkglint.exclude = pkg.lint.opensolaris
+# The version pattern we use when searching for manifests
+# for a given build (only when using the -b flag to pkglint)
+version.pattern = *,5.11-0.
+# The path used for info.classification attribute checks
+info_classification_path = /usr/share/lib/pkg/
+# Whether to ignore publisher differences when comparing package versions
+ignore_different_publishers = True
+# The following are parameters that are passed to individual lint checks
+# dependencies which may be missing at runtime
+pkglint.action005.1.missing-deps =
+# whether to log INFO messages when a pkg.linted action/manifest trips a check = True
+pkglint.ext.content = pkglint.opencsw

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/transforms/defaults
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/transforms/defaults 2016-06-07 12:38:37 UTC (rev 25764)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/transforms/defaults 2016-06-07 14:19:58 UTC (rev 25765)
@@ -16,11 +16,15 @@
 <transform file path=var/svc/manifest/.*\.xml$ -> default restart_fmri 
 <transform file path=.*lib/.+\.a$ -> default facet.devel all>
 <transform file path=.*lib/.+\.la$ -> default facet.devel all>
-<transform file path=.*lib/.+\.so$ -> default facet.devel all>
-<transform file path=.*lib(/(amd64|sparv9))?/pkgconfig(/.*)? -> default 
facet.devel all>
+<transform file path=.*lib/.+/.+\.so$ -> default facet.devel false>
+<transform link path=.*lib/.+\.so$ -> default facet.devel all>
+<transform dir file link hardlink path=.*/pkgconfig(/.+\.pc){0,1}$ -> \
+    default facet.devel all>
 <transform file path=.*include/.* -> default facet.devel all>
-<transform file path=.*aclocal/.* -> default facet.devel all>
+<transform dir file link hardlink path=.*/aclocal(/.*\.m4){0,1}$ -> \
+    default facet.devel all>
 <transform file path=.*man3/.+ -> default facet.devel all>
 <transform file path=.*man1/.+-config$ -> default facet.devel all>
 <transform file path=.*bin/.+-config$ -> default facet.devel all>
+<transform file link hardlink path=.*/lib/llib-.* -> default facet.devel all>
+<transform dir file link hardlink -> delete facet.devel false>

Added: csw/mgar/gar/v2/transforms/remove-os-version
Added: csw/mgar/gar/v2/transforms/remove-os-version.notactive
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/transforms/remove-os-version.notactive                      
        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/transforms/remove-os-version.notactive      2016-06-07 
14:19:58 UTC (rev 25765)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<transform depend -> edit fmri "(.*@[0-9\.]*)-.*" "\1">

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