Revision: 24715

Author:   wahwah
Date:     2015-03-11 00:15:14 +0000 (Wed, 11 Mar 2015)
Log Message:
opencsw-manual/trunk: Updates to the developer docs

Modified Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/opencsw-manual/trunk/files/for-developers/index.rst
--- csw/mgar/pkg/opencsw-manual/trunk/files/for-developers/index.rst    
2015-03-10 09:55:08 UTC (rev 24714)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/opencsw-manual/trunk/files/for-developers/index.rst    
2015-03-11 00:15:14 UTC (rev 24715)
@@ -14,15 +14,30 @@
 relevant ``*_dev`` packages. They contain the header files, and ``*.so``
 symlinks necessary during linking.
-When building againt OpenCSW software, aside from setting the ``PATH``
-correctly, these flags will typically make it work::
+Typical file layout of libraries::
+  CSWfoo_dev: /opt/csw/include/foo.h
+              /opt/csw/lib/ ->
+  CSWlibfoo1: /opt/csw/lib/ ->
+              /opt/csw/lib/ (regular file)
+Autotools and GCC
+Set ``PATH`` to include the path to the compiler you wish to use. If you're
+using GCC from OpenCSW, you set it to ``/opt/csw/bin``.
+Autotools-based projects by default accept a standard set of environment
+variables. Here are values for a 32-bit build::
+  CFLAGS="-m32"  # if you're using GCC
   LDFLAGS="-L/opt/csw/lib -R/opt/csw/lib"
 If you're building a 64-bit binary, use these::
+  CFLAGS="-m64"  # if you're using GCC
   LDFLAGS="-L/opt/csw/lib/64 -R/opt/csw/lib/64"
@@ -40,3 +55,27 @@
 that path and find their corresponding sparcv9 or amd64 libraries. This way you
 can use the same ``-R`` flag for both sparc and intel 64-bit builds.
+We recommend the `Autotools Mythbuster`_ as a reference to Autotools.
+A non-autotools project
+If you're building a project which does not use autotools, you need to
+tell the compiler to do the following:
+1. Look into ``/opt/csw/include`` for the ``.h`` files. In GCC, it's achieved
+   with ``-I/opt/csw/include``. Without it, compilation will fail.
+2. Look into ``/opt/csw/lib`` for the ``.so`` files. In GCC, it's achieved
+   with ``-L/opt/csw/lib``. Without it, linking will fail.
+3. Put ``/opt/csw/lib`` into the ``RPATH`` field in the ELF header. In GCC,
+   this is achieved with ``-R/otp/csw/lib/``. Without it, binaries will build,
+   but won't run.
+For 64-bit builds, use ``/opt/csw/lib/64``.
+If your compiler is not GCC, you might need to pass different flags.
+How to add flags to the compiler invocations, depends on the build system of
+the software you're building.
+.. _Autotools Mythbuster:

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