Revision: 24543

Author:   wahwah
Date:     2015-01-04 23:29:38 +0000 (Sun, 04 Jan 2015)
Log Message:
package-gar-status: Initial commit

First version of the GAR package status report. It will be a replacement for
updateGarSvnPackageStatus[1] used to generate the GAR package status[2].


Added Paths:

Added: csw/mgar/gar/v2/go/src/package-gar-status/package-gar-status.go
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/go/src/package-gar-status/package-gar-status.go             
                (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/go/src/package-gar-status/package-gar-status.go     
2015-01-04 23:29:38 UTC (rev 24543)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// We're only including fields that are relevant now. Fields that are present 
+// JSON data but are not in structs, are ignored by the unmarshaller.
+package main
+import (
+  "fmt"
+  "flag"
+  "net/http"
+  "encoding/json"
+  "log"
+  "opencsw/diskformat"
+  "time"
+  "text/template"
+  "os"
+var outputFile string
+const tmpl = `GAR package status report
+Generated on {{ .Date }}
+{{ range .Pkgs }}
+{{ .Pkg.Catalogname }} is {{ if .InGar }} in GAR {{ else }} NOT in GAR {{ end 
}}{{ end }}
+func init() {
+  flag.StringVar(&outputFile, "output-file", "gar-package-status.txt",
+                 "Where to write output.")
+type BasicStatsType struct {
+  Catalogname string        `json:"catalogname"`
+  Md5_sum diskformat.Md5Sum `json:"md5_sum"`
+type PackageStats struct {
+  BadPaths map[string][]string `json:"bad_paths"`
+  BasicStats BasicStatsType    `json:"basic_stats"`
+  Mtime string                 `json:"mtime"` // decode as time.Time?
+  Binaries []string            `json:"binaries"`
+  Pkginfo map[string]string    `json:"pkginfo"`
+func FindOutIfPackageIsInGar(md5 diskformat.Md5Sum) (bool, error) {
+  url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/srv4/%s/pkg-stats/", diskformat.PkgdbUrl, md5)
+  log.Println("Fetching", url)
+  resp, err := http.Get(url)
+  if err != nil {
+    return false, err
+  }
+  defer resp.Body.Close()
+  var stats PackageStats
+  dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
+  if err := dec.Decode(&stats); err != nil {
+    log.Println("Failed to decode JSON from", url, ":", err)
+    return false, err
+  }
+  _, inGar := stats.Pkginfo["OPENCSW_REPOSITORY"]
+  return inGar, nil
+type PackageWithExtraData struct {
+  Pkg diskformat.Package
+  InGar bool
+type TemplateData struct {
+  Pkgs []PackageWithExtraData
+  Date time.Time
+func main() {
+  log.Println("Program start")
+  spec := diskformat.CatalogSpec {
+    "unstable",
+    "i386",
+    "SunOS5.10",
+  }
+  log.Println("spec:", spec)
+  inGarByPkgname := make(map[string]PackageWithExtraData)
+  if cws, err := diskformat.GetCatalogWithSpec(spec); err != nil {
+    log.Fatalln("Error unmarshalling JSON data:", err)
+  } else {
+    for _, pkg := range cws.Pkgs {
+      log.Println("Processing", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", pkg))
+      if inGar, err := FindOutIfPackageIsInGar(pkg.Md5_sum); err != nil {
+        log.Fatalln(pkg.Md5_sum, "boo", err)
+      } else {
+        log.Println("Result: ", pkg.Md5_sum, "is", inGar)
+        var pwed PackageWithExtraData
+        pwed.Pkg = pkg
+        pwed.InGar = inGar
+        inGarByPkgname[pkg.Catalogname] = pwed
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  f, err := os.Create(outputFile)
+  if err != nil {
+    panic(err)
+  }
+  defer f.Close()
+  var td TemplateData
+  td.Pkgs = make([]PackageWithExtraData, 0)
+  for _, pkg := range inGarByPkgname {
+    td.Pkgs = append(td.Pkgs, pkg)
+  }
+  td.Date = time.Now()
+  t := template.Must(template.New("tmpl").Parse(tmpl))
+  if err := t.Execute(f, td); err != nil {
+    log.Fatal(err)
+  }

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