Revision: 22116

Author:   pfelecan
Date:     2013-10-04 15:54:28 +0000 (Fri, 04 Oct 2013)
Log Message:
- add sudo where needed
- started to verify the checkpkg optional chapter

Modified Paths:

--- csw/mgar/pkg/opencsw-manual/trunk/files/for-maintainers/buildfarm-setup.rst 
2013-10-04 08:15:39 UTC (rev 22115)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/opencsw-manual/trunk/files/for-maintainers/buildfarm-setup.rst 
2013-10-04 15:54:28 UTC (rev 22116)
@@ -35,7 +35,12 @@
   all packages that are in any of OpenCSW catalogs for any Solaris version.
   A typical location is ``/export/mirror/opencsw``.
+* `Regular user setup`_ for details on setting up an user: creation,
+  sudo activation, etc.
+.. _Regular user setup:
 Base setup (required)
@@ -44,7 +49,7 @@
-  pkgutil -y -i gar_dev mgar gcc4core gcc4g++ sudo
+  sudo pkgutil -y -i gar_dev mgar gcc4core gcc4g++ sudo
 Setup ``~/.garrc`` (required)
@@ -151,22 +156,93 @@
 You can use any database engine supported by sqlobject.  MySQL and sqlite have
 been tested.
-When using MySQL, you need to create the database and a user which has access
-to that database (not covered here).
+Required packages
-max_allowed_packet problem in MySQL
+Install the required packages:
-Since checkpkg stores objects in JSON, it sometimes stores values way bigger
-than the default allowed 1MB.  For this to work with MySQL, the following
-needs to be present in ``/etc/opt/csw/my.cnf``::
-  [mysqld]
-     max_allowed_packet=64M
+   sudo pkgutil --yes --install cswutils mysql5 mysql5client
-There are packages which require data structures larger than 32MB, hence the
+Create a minimal configuration file:
+   sudo echo >>/etc/opt/csw/my.cnf "[mysqld]"
+   sudo echo >>/etc/opt/csw/my.cnf "max_allowed_packet=64M"
+This is needed since checkpkg stores objects in JSON, it sometimes
+stores values way bigger than the default allowed 1MB, as there are
+packages which require data structures larger than 32MB, hence the
 64MB value.
+You start the data base server:
+   sudo svcadm enable svc:/network/cswmysql5:default
+Eventually, you make your installation secure:
+   sudo /opt/csw/bin/mysql_secure_installation
+and answer affirmatively to all the questions.
+Creating the database
+When using MySQL, you need to create the database and a user which has access
+to that database.
+   mysql -u root -h -p
+   > create database checkpkg;
+   > grant all privileges on checkpkg.* to "checkpkg" identified by "password";
+   > flush privileges;
+   > exit;
+Note that you must use your own value instead of ``password``.
+To verify that your user creation is correct you can execute this:
+   mysql -u wp1 -h -p
+   > use checkpkg;
+   > status;
+   > exit;
+The database access configuration is held in ``/etc/opt/csw/checkpkg.ini``.
+You can also use a per-user file: ``~/.checkpkg/checkpkg.ini``.  The format is
+as follows:
+   [database]
+   type = mysql
+   name = checkpkg
+   host = mysql
+   user = checkpkg
+   password = yourpassword
+Initializing tables and indexes
+The next step is creating the tables in the database:
+   pkgdb initdb
 case-insensitive string comparison in MySQL
@@ -194,29 +270,6 @@
 Before applying these changes, make sure that you're using the same column
 settings as the ones in the database.
-The database access configuration is held in ``/etc/opt/csw/checkpkg.ini``.
-You can also use a per-user file: ``~/.checkpkg/checkpkg.ini``.  The format is
-as follows::
-  [database]
-  type = mysql
-  name = checkpkg
-  host = mysql
-  user = checkpkg
-  password = yourpassword
-Initializing tables and indexes
-The next step is creating the tables in the database::
-  bin/pkgdb initdb
 System files indexing
@@ -415,13 +468,14 @@
 Oracle Solaris Studio Compiler
-You need a compiler. You have one in our repository, the GNU one.
+You need a compiler. You have one in our repository, the GNU compiler
 Until recently, most of the packages built by OpenCSW used Oracle Solaris
 Studio (historically called 'SOS'), which you can `download from
-Note that We are now, as of October 2013, transitioning to GCC.
+Note that we are now, as of October 2013, transitioning to GCC.
 However, if you wish to use the platform specific compiler, you should
 install the packaged (non-tar) version. In case you have access to an

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