Maciej Bliziński <> writes:

> On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 12:25:26PM +0000, 
> wrote:
>> Revision: 21040
>> Author:   pfelecan
>> Date:     2013-05-10 12:25:26 +0000 (Fri, 10 May 2013)
>> Log Message:
>> -----------
>> lang-python/pyqt/trunk: strange dynamic shared object and stranger override
>> Modified Paths:
>> --------------
>>     csw/mgar/pkg/lang-python/pyqt/trunk/Makefile
>> Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/lang-python/pyqt/trunk/Makefile
>> ===================================================================
>> --- csw/mgar/pkg/lang-python/pyqt/trunk/Makefile     2013-05-10 10:24:08 UTC 
>> (rev 21039)
>> +++ csw/mgar/pkg/lang-python/pyqt/trunk/Makefile     2013-05-10 12:25:26 UTC 
>> (rev 21040)
>> @@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
>>  RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWpy-pyqt         +=      CSWlibqtxml4
>>  RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWpy-pyqt         +=      CSWlibstdc++6
>>  CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWpy-pyqt       +=      surplus-dependency|CSWpython
>> +CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWpy-pyqt       +=      
>> binary-architecture-does-not-match-placement|file=opt/csw/plugins/designer/|arch_id=18|arch_name=sparcv8+
> The /opt/csw/plugins/designer/ path looks wrong to me.
> What is /opt/csw/plugins? It's not a base path for anything sensible. If
> there are some plugins for something, the have to go into
> a project-specific directory.

Right. I wondered a long time about this, even asked for help on the
maintainers list, and didn't find a reasonable explanation even though
now it is crystal clear...

However, the explanation that I found at is a little bit
misleading, isn't it?


On the sparc architecture, binaries in /opt/csw/bin need to be at most a
sparcv8 binary on Solaris 9 and at most a sparcv8+ binary on Solaris
10. A sparcv9 binary must be placed under a subdirectory,
e.g. /opt/csw/bin/sparcv9.

A typical failure mode happens when CFLAGS from GAR are ignored by the
build system, which causes Solaris Studio to produce sparcv8+ binaries,
instead of sparcv8.

Recommended fix: Make sure that CFLAGS are propagated properly.
When to override: Do not override. When in doubt, ask on the maintainers
mailing list."

Now that I got the real meaning, I will correct this installation issue
in the very near future.

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