Hi Peter,

Am 14.11.2012 um 20:22 schrieb Peter FELECAN <pfele...@opencsw.org>:
> Igor Galić <iga...@opencsw.org> writes:
>> All categories (that were basically empty) have been removed.
>> This has been announced on the list. Please run mgar up
> Well, I reverted the recipe to comply. However, I didn't see an
> announcement and, especially a rationale of that modification.

Hum, I can't find the posting right now, although I am pretty sure I sent it.
Anyway, the rationale is to make GAR simpler and more logical. It is not useful
to have eight categories that do the same thing: nothing special.
Additionally I want to make the simple recipes smaller and have GAR use
more sane default.

> In another subject, I received a notification from Twitter which says
> that you mentioned my name !? This is not the first time. Maybe it's a
> spam.

This is spam. I only use Twitter rarely and also ping people only if they
specifically asked for things.

Best regards

  -- Dago

"You don't become great by trying to be great, you become great by wanting to 
do something,
and then doing it so hard that you become great in the process." - xkcd #896

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