2012/6/27 Peter FELECAN <pfele...@opencsw.org>:
> *here*  libintl.so.8 =>  /opt/csw/lib/libintl.so.8
> *here*  libiconv.so.2 =>         /opt/csw/lib/libiconv.so.2

These libraries are loaded, but they immediate dependencies. If you
have something like this:

foo → libfoo.so.1 → libbar.so.2

Then you need to declare the dependency from CSWfoo to CSWlibfoo1, and
CSwlibfoo1 to CSWlibbar2, but not from CSWfoo to CSWlibbar2. In other
words, checkpkg tells you the right thing, and you shouldn't need to
add any overrides.
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