"Maciej (Matchek) Bliziński" <mac...@opencsw.org> writes:

> 2012/6/23  <pfele...@users.sourceforge.net>:
>> Revision: 18512
>>          http://gar.svn.sourceforge.net/gar/?rev=18512&view=rev
>> Author:   pfelecan
>> Date:     2012-06-23 09:37:54 +0000 (Sat, 23 Jun 2012)
>> Log Message:
>> -----------
>> corrected end of line issues after copy&paste...
> I would suggest only committing after you've verified that the change
> actually works. It's less code and better quality code to review for
> others.

Sure, but I can run checkpkg only on the build farm but my modification
takes place on my local system, on which I test but this wasn't detected
without checkpkg. Remember that I asked to run this beast also outside
the build farm?
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