Excerpts from phipsy's message of Mon Jul 11 11:08:11 -0400 2011:

Hi Mark,

> +# covered by CSWaugeas - and agreed not to split
> soname-not-found|libaugeas.so.0|is|needed|by|opt/csw/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/sparc-solaris2.9/_augeas.so

Is CSWaugeas{,-dev} installed on the build machine?  You shouldn't get
this error if the library is available.  If it is installed and you're
still getting it, something else is wrong here.  Either way, it's
likely something that should not be overridden.  (Note that this
override is only good on sparc.  You'd need a specific i386 one if I'm
wrong above.)

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

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