The graphviz "package-set"  is all the packages built from the same
sources (as in same tar.gz).

The CSWgraphvizperl contents depend on the CSWlibcdt5 contents from the
same package-set.
So, CSWlibcdt5 is not installed, can't be installed, while building
CSWgraphvizperl.  The only way it could be installed is if CSWlibcdt5
sources were separated, so that they weren't all in the same package-set.

The language bindings aren't plugins, but this library dependecy issue
is the same as for the plugins (e.g CSWgraphvizgd).

This problem of library dependencies in the *same package-set* is easily
and safely fixed with the overrides.
Libtool built and linked them in the build tree, they only become
unavailable when installing them into DESTDIR, which is not the final
install location, during the "make install" step for constructing the


On 06/02/2011 07:39 PM, Maciej Bliziński wrote:
> 2011/6/3 John Ellson <>:
>> Maciej,
>> You asking about the dependency on the *new* libcdt5 from
>> graphviz2.28.0, right?
> Yes, libcdt5 is with the new graphviz, the previous version of
> graphviz builds libcdt4.
>> It does depend on it.   The perl language binding extends perl with
>> wrapped functions from libgvc, libgraph, libcdt.
>> Of course, since CSWgraphvizperl is in the same package-set as
>> CSWlibcdt5, is has the same problem of a dependency on a library that is
>> not yet installed.
> What do you mean by 'the same problem'?  Can you expand on your reasoning?
> Maciej

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