Revision: 14078

Author:   j_arndt
Date:     2011-04-05 19:05:13 +0000 (Tue, 05 Apr 2011)

Log Message:
munin: minor fixes in prototypes

Modified Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/Makefile   2011-04-05 17:09:52 UTC (rev 14077)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/Makefile   2011-04-05 19:05:13 UTC (rev 14078)
@@ -100,6 +100,8 @@
        @ginstall -m 644 $(FILEDIR)/apache-munin-cgi.conf.CSW 
        @mv $(DESTDIR)/var/opt/csw/munin/www/.htaccess 
+       @mv $(DESTDIR)/etc/opt/csw/munin/templates 
+       @#
        @# create user munin during package deployment -> cswusergroup
        @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/etc/pkg/CSWmuninmaster

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmunincommon.prototype
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmunincommon.prototype     2011-04-05 
17:09:52 UTC (rev 14077)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmunincommon.prototype     2011-04-05 
19:05:13 UTC (rev 14078)
@@ -13,3 +13,5 @@
 f none /opt/csw/share/perl/site_perl/Munin/Common/ 0444 root bin
 f none /opt/csw/share/perl/site_perl/Munin/Common/ 0444 root bin
 f none /opt/csw/share/perl/site_perl/Munin/Common/ 0444 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/share/doc/munin_common 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/doc/munin_common/license 0644 root bin

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninmaster.prototype
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninmaster.prototype     2011-04-05 
17:09:52 UTC (rev 14077)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninmaster.prototype     2011-04-05 
19:05:13 UTC (rev 14078)
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 d none /etc/opt/csw/munin 0755 root bin
 d none /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/etc 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/etc/opt 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/etc/opt/csw 0755 root bin
 d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/etc/opt/csw/munin 0755 root bin
 d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/etc/opt/csw/munin/apache 0755 
root bin
 d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/var/opt/csw/munin/www 0755 root 
@@ -9,28 +13,30 @@
 f cswcptemplates 
/opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/etc/opt/csw/munin/munin.conf 0644 root bin
 d none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugin-conf.d 0755 root bin
 d ugfiles /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates 0755 munin munin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/definitions.html 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/favicon.ico 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/logo-h.png 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/logo.png 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/munin-comparison-day.tmpl 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/munin-comparison-month.tmpl 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/munin-comparison-week.tmpl 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/munin-comparison-year.tmpl 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/munin-domainview.tmpl 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/munin-nodeview.tmpl 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/munin-overview.tmpl 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/munin-serviceview.tmpl 0644 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/etc/opt/csw/munin/templates 0755 
root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
/opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/logo.png 0644 
root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
 d none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/partial 0755 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/partial/bottom_navigation.tmpl 0644 root 
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/partial/generated_by.tmpl 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/partial/head.tmpl 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/partial/logo_navigation.tmpl 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/partial/logo_navigation_comparison.tmpl 
0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/partial/logo_path.tmpl 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/partial/path.tmpl 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/style-1.2.css 0644 root bin
-f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/style.css 0644 root bin
+d none 
/opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/partial 0755 
root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
 0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
0644 root bin
+f cswcptemplates 
0644 root bin
 f none /opt/csw/bin/munin-check 0755 root bin
 f none /opt/csw/bin/munin-cron 0755 root bin
 d none /opt/csw/etc/pkg 0755 root bin
@@ -99,6 +105,11 @@
 d ugfiles /var/opt/csw/munin/log 0755 munin munin
 d ugfiles /var/opt/csw/munin/run 0755 munin munin
 d ugfiles /var/opt/csw/munin/www 0755 munin munin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/var 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/var/opt 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/var/opt/csw 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/var/opt/csw/munin 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/var/opt/csw/munin/www 0755 root 
 f cswcptemplates 
/opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninmaster/var/opt/csw/munin/www/.htaccess 0644 
munin munin
 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg/CSWmuninmaster/crontabs 0755 root bin
 f cswcrontab /etc/opt/csw/pkg/CSWmuninmaster/crontabs/munin 0644 root bin

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninnode.prototype
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninnode.prototype       2011-04-05 
17:09:52 UTC (rev 14077)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninnode.prototype       2011-04-05 
19:05:13 UTC (rev 14078)
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 d none /etc/opt/csw/init.d 0755 root bin
 f cswinitsmf /etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswmuninnode 0755 root bin
 d none /etc/opt/csw/munin 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninnode 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninnode/etc 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninnode/etc/opt 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninnode/etc/opt/csw 0755 root bin
 d none /opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninnode/etc/opt/csw/munin 0755 root bin
 f cswcptemplates 
/opt/csw/etc/templates/CSWmuninnode/etc/opt/csw/munin/munin-node.conf 0644 root 
 d none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugin-conf.d 0755 root bin

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