Revision: 14063

Author:   j_arndt
Date:     2011-04-03 15:57:23 +0000 (Sun, 03 Apr 2011)

Log Message:
munin: packages now use cswpostmsg

Modified Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/Makefile   2011-04-03 15:37:36 UTC (rev 14062)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/Makefile   2011-04-03 15:57:23 UTC (rev 14063)
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
 SF_PROJ = munin
-DISTFILES += CSWmuninmaster.postinstall
-DISTFILES += CSWmuninmaster.prototype CSWmuninmaster.postinstall
+DISTFILES += CSWmuninmaster.prototype
 DISTFILES += CSWmuninnode.prototype cswmuninnode
 DISTFILES += CSWmunincommon.prototype
 DISTFILES += cswusergroup
@@ -50,15 +49,15 @@
 RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWmuninmaster = CSWperl CSWpmhtmltmpl CSWpmprmsvldt 
CSWpmlog4perl CSWmunincommon
 RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWmuninmaster += CSWpm-rrdtool CSWapache2 
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWmuninmaster += CSWcswclassutils CSWcas-cptemplates 
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWmuninmaster += CSWcswclassutils CSWcas-cptemplates 
CSWcas-crontab CSWcas-postmsg
 RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWmuninnode = CSWperl CSWpmnetsnmp CSWpmnetserver 
 RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWmuninnode += CSWcswclassutils CSWcas-cptemplates
 RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWmuninnode += CSWperl CSWpmnetssleay
-SPKG_CLASSES_CSWmuninmaster = none cswusergroup cswcrontab cswcptemplates 
-SPKG_CLASSES_CSWmuninnode = none cswusergroup ugfiles cswcptemplates cswinitsmf
+SPKG_CLASSES_CSWmuninmaster = none cswusergroup cswcrontab cswcptemplates 
ugfiles cswpostmsg
+SPKG_CLASSES_CSWmuninnode = none cswusergroup ugfiles cswcptemplates 
 SPKG_CLASSES_CSWmunincommon = none
@@ -115,11 +114,14 @@
        @ginstall -d 755 $(DESTDIR)/etc/opt/csw/pkg/CSWmuninmaster/crontabs
        @ginstall -m 644 $(FILEDIR)/crontab.munin 
-       @# handle some other files
+       @# print a postmessage -> cswpostmessage
        @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/share/doc
        @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/share/doc/munin_master
        @ginstall -m 644 $(FILEDIR)/README.CSW 
+       @#
+       @# handle some other files
+       @#
        @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/share/munin/fonts
        @ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/master/VeraMono.ttf 

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninmaster.postinstall
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninmaster.postinstall   2011-04-03 
15:37:36 UTC (rev 14062)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninmaster.postinstall   2011-04-03 
15:57:23 UTC (rev 14063)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-cat << EOF
-To get Munin running, please follow these steps:
-(1) Append the following line to the crontab of the user 'munin':
-    0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /bin/test -x 
/opt/csw/bin/munin-cron && /opt/csw/bin/munin-cron
-(2) Edit the Apache configuration for Munin: 
-    "Normal" mode: /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin.conf
-    CGI mode: /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin-cgi.conf
-    (These files should work by default)
-(3) Add the following line to your Apache configuration:
-    "Normal" mode: Include /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin.conf
-    CGI mode: Include /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin-cgi.conf
-(4) Add the user your webserver is running under (nobody for Apache) to
-    the group "munin"
-(5) Restart your webserver:
-    svcadm restart cswapache2

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninmaster.prototype
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninmaster.prototype     2011-04-03 
15:37:36 UTC (rev 14062)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninmaster.prototype     2011-04-03 
15:57:23 UTC (rev 14063)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/munin-limits 0755 root bin
 f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/munin-update 0755 root bin
 d none /opt/csw/share/doc/munin_master 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/share/doc/munin_master/README.CSW 0644 root bin
+f cswpostmsg /opt/csw/share/doc/munin_master/README.CSW 0644 root bin
 f none /opt/csw/share/doc/munin_master/license 0644 root bin
 d none /opt/csw/share/man/man1 0755 root bin
 d none /opt/csw/share/man/man3 0755 root bin

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/README.CSW
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/README.CSW   2011-04-03 15:37:36 UTC (rev 
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/README.CSW   2011-04-03 15:57:23 UTC (rev 
@@ -1,9 +1,25 @@
-To configure the Apache webserver you only need to include the file
-/etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin.conf into your Apache main
-Include /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin.conf
-If you want CGI support for Munin, include the file apache-munin-cgi.conf:
+To get Munin running, please follow these steps:
-Include /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin-cgi.conf
+(1) Edit the Apache configuration for Munin: 
+    "Normal" mode: /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin.conf
+    CGI mode: /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin-cgi.conf
+    (These files should work by default)
+(2) Add the following line to your Apache configuration:
+    "Normal" mode: Include /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin.conf
+    CGI mode: Include /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin-cgi.conf
+(3) Add the user your webserver is running under (nobody for Apache) to
+    the group "munin"
+(4) Restart your webserver:
+    svcadm restart cswapache2

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