Excerpts from Maciej Bliziński's message of Sun Mar 27 09:59:50 -0400 2011:

> Nothing prevents you from using them in Python:
> end = None # define a name
> for i in range(4):
>   for j in range(4):
>     print i, j
>   end
> end


> You could also check package description: if it's a _stub, it needs to
> declare that in the description; if it declares that in the
> description, it needs to be a _stub.

This would be cool too.  Matching on Transition package ...

> I wouldn't mind inline patches, it would let me skip downloading,
> and allow commenting inline.

Yes, good point.

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

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