Revision: 348

Author:   wbonnet
Date:     2011-02-27 22:44:00 +0000 (Sun, 27 Feb 2011)

Log Message:
Add uwatch statistics

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/qa-statistics-bugs.php
--- web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/qa-statistics-bugs.php           
                (rev 0)
+++ web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/qa-statistics-bugs.php   
2011-02-27 22:44:00 UTC (rev 348)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Template Name: Maintainer detail
+<?php get_header(); ?>
+    <div id="container">
+        <div id="content">
+          <div class="post hentry">
+          <div class="entry">
+            <h2>Open bugs graphical statistics</h2>
+                <span>The following graphics displays graphical statistical 
information about the number of opened bugs in Mantis.</span>
+            <h3>Number of opened critical bugs</h3>
+                <img title="Weekly view,  over last year, of the number of 
opened critical bugs" src="/tools/statistics/qaOpenedCriticalBugs.php" 
alt="Weekly view, over last year, of the number of opened critical bugs" 
width="800" height="480" />
+                <br>
+                <br>
+            <h3>Number of opened major bugs</h3>
+                <img title="Weekly view,  over last year, of the number of 
opened major bugs" src="/tools/statistics/qaOpenedMajorBugs.php" alt="Weekly 
view, over last year, of the number of opened major bugs" width="800" 
height="480" />
+                <br>
+                <br>
+            <h3>Number of opened minor bugs</h3>
+                <img title="Weekly view,  over last year, of the number of 
opened minor bugs" src="/tools/statistics/qaOpenedMinorBugs.php" alt="Weekly 
view, over last year, of the number of opened minor bugs" width="800" 
height="480" />
+                <br>
+                <br>
+            <h3>Number of opened tweak bugs</h3>
+                <img title="Weekly view,  over last year, of the number of 
opened tweak bugs" src="/tools/statistics/qaOpenedTweakBugs.php" alt="Weekly 
view, over last year, of the number of opened tweak bugs" width="800" 
height="480" />
+                <br>
+                <br>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    </div><!-- #content -->
+</div><!-- #container -->
+<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
+<?php get_footer(); ?>

Modified: web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/qa.php
--- web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/qa.php   2011-02-27 22:43:50 UTC 
(rev 347)
+++ web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/qa.php   2011-02-27 22:44:00 UTC 
(rev 348)
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
                     <li>Auto build and continous integration current status 
and results</li>
                 <span>Maintainers pages give access to list of packages per 
maintainers, and help indentifying the orphaned packages (without active 
-                <span>Information displayed in the QA are are updated daily, 
based upon information from the various catalogs, and upstream information 
collected by uWatch bot.</span>
+                <span>Information displayed in the QA are are updated daily, 
based upon information from the various catalogs, and upstream information 
collected by uWatch bot.</span><br><br>
+                <span>Several statistics pages are available and display <a 
title='Orphaned packages' href='/qa/statistics'>graphical information</a> about 
the item monitored by the QA system.</span>
                 <h3>Maintainers QA pages</h3>
                 <span>The following link displays the complete list of 
maintainers owning packages. This list is split in two parts, active 
maintainers, and retired maintainers still owning packages. The packages owned 
by retired maintainers are available for takeover. The list gives access to the 
QA pages of each maintainer, and their list of packages.</span>

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