Revision: 11565

Author:   dmichelsen
Date:     2010-11-11 11:52:33 +0000 (Thu, 11 Nov 2010)

Log Message:
ntop: Builds cleanly now, start/stop/smf still missing

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/Makefile    2010-11-11 10:48:07 UTC (rev 11564)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/Makefile    2010-11-11 11:52:33 UTC (rev 11565)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 GARNAME = ntop
-GARVERSION = 3.3.10
-DESCRIPTION = A network traffic usage monitor.
+DESCRIPTION = A network traffic usage monitor
 define BLURB
   ntop is a network probe that shows network usage in a way similar to what top
   does for processes. In interactive mode, it displays the network status on 
@@ -13,29 +13,75 @@
-PATCHFILES += configureextra_opencsw.diff
+PATCHFILES  = 0001-Fix-misplaced-endif.patch
+PATCHFILES += 0002-Do-not-redeclare-__builtin_alloca.patch
+PATCHFILES += 0003-Check-for-uint_-in-addition-to-u_int_.patch
+PATCHFILES += 0004-Strip-default-Solaris-library-pathes-as-we-set-our-o.patch
+# PATCHFILES += configureextra_opencsw.diff
 # We define upstream file regex so we can be notifed of new upstream software 
 UFILES_REGEX = (\d+(?:\.\d+)*)
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWntop += CSWlibpython2-6-1-0
+BUILD_DEP_PKGS += CSWlibtool CSWautoconf CSWautomake
+BUILD_DEP_PKGS += CSWlibpcapdevel CSWossldevel
+sysconfdir = /etc/opt/csw
+localstatedir = /var/opt/csw
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-pcap-lib=/opt/csw/lib
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-pcap-include=/opt/csw/include
 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-gdbm-lib=/opt/csw/lib
 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-gdbm-include=/opt/csw/include
 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-zlib-lib=/opt/csw/lib
 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-zlib-include=/opt/csw/include
 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-ossl-lib=/opt/csw/lib
 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-ossl-include=/opt/csw/include
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-jumbo-frames
+# CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-fc
+# CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-mysql
+TEST_TARGET = check
+# We don't have a separate devel-package, so this is ok
+# Upstream has chosen it that way...
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWntop += shared-lib-pkgname-mismatch
 include gar/
-       ( cd $(WORKSRC) ; ./ --noconfig)
+       @# This brainded script search in /usr and /usr/local *only*
+       cp /opt/csw/share/aclocal/libtool.m4 $(WORKSRC)/

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/checksums
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/checksums   2010-11-11 10:48:07 UTC (rev 11564)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/checksums   2010-11-11 11:52:33 UTC (rev 11565)
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-257b92864fc22a475e23191c60dd100c  configureextra_opencsw.diff
-6e2ffa90d5f935c8f03d88a5dd19a866  ntop-3.3.10.tar.gz
+f064393a2090e5bda102cd49c2707789  ntop-4.0.3.tgz

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/0001-Fix-misplaced-endif.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/0001-Fix-misplaced-endif.patch                
                (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/0001-Fix-misplaced-endif.patch        
2010-11-11 11:52:33 UTC (rev 11565)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+From 7ba230598efb6fc4636c0bb18b0d340d723e3d75 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dagobert Michelsen <>
+Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 10:46:42 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Fix misplaced #endif
+ address.c |    2 +-
+ 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/address.c b/address.c
+index 73d8046..59436e1 100644
+--- a/address.c
++++ b/address.c
+@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ void* dequeueAddress(void *_i) {
+           he = &_hp;
+         else
+           he = NULL;
+       } else
+         he = NULL;
+ #else
+       he = gethostbyaddr(theAddr, size, family);
+ #endif

--- csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/0002-Do-not-redeclare-__builtin_alloca.patch  
                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/0002-Do-not-redeclare-__builtin_alloca.patch  
2010-11-11 11:52:33 UTC (rev 11565)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+From b41a4c15c708ee01cf91a9d20dca3b6ae095370a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dagobert Michelsen <>
+Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 10:50:20 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Do not redeclare __builtin_alloca
+ argv.c |    1 +
+ 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/argv.c b/argv.c
+index 9212e85..84b02c6 100644
+--- a/argv.c
++++ b/argv.c
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */
+ #else /* not __GNUC__ */
+ #ifdef sparc
+ #include <alloca.h>
++/* This is declared at least on Solaris 9, maybe this should better be 
detected during configure-time?
+ extern char *__builtin_alloca();  /* Stupid include file doesn't declare it */
+ #else
+ #ifdef _AIX

                            (rev 0)
    2010-11-11 11:52:33 UTC (rev 11565)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+From a4b0c017045180b7fb5ddcd9a1b7433f2a7b55ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dagobert Michelsen <>
+Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 12:34:45 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Check for uint_* in addition to u_int_*
+          |    6 ++++++
+ globals-structtypes.h |   20 ++++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ b/
+index 652e409..5c6fa98 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -207,7 +207,10 @@ AH_TEMPLATE([HAVE_INT16_T],   [Define for int16 typedef])
+ AH_TEMPLATE([HAVE_INT32_T],   [Define for int32 typedef])
+ AH_TEMPLATE([HAVE_INT64_T],   [Define for int64 typedef])
+ AH_TEMPLATE([HAVE_INT8_T],    [Define for int8 typedef])
++AH_TEMPLATE([HAVE_UINT16_T],  [Define for unsigned int 16 typedef])
++AH_TEMPLATE([HAVE_UINT32_T],  [Define for unsigned int 32 typedef])
+ AH_TEMPLATE([HAVE_UINT64_T],  [Define for unsigned int 64 typedef])
++AH_TEMPLATE([HAVE_UINT8_T],   [Define for unsigned int 8 typedef])
+ AH_TEMPLATE([HAVE_U_INT16_T], [Define for unsigned int 16 typedef])
+ AH_TEMPLATE([HAVE_U_INT32_T], [Define for unsigned int 32 typedef])
+ AH_TEMPLATE([HAVE_U_INT64_T], [Define for unsigned int 64 typedef])
+@@ -1122,8 +1125,11 @@ AC_STRUCT_TIMEZONE
+ AC_CHECK_TYPEDEF(u_int64_t, sys/types.h)
+ AC_CHECK_TYPEDEF(uint64_t, sys/types.h)
+ AC_CHECK_TYPEDEF(u_int32_t, sys/types.h)
++AC_CHECK_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, sys/types.h)
+ AC_CHECK_TYPEDEF(u_int16_t, sys/types.h)
++AC_CHECK_TYPEDEF(uint16_t, sys/types.h)
+ AC_CHECK_TYPEDEF(u_int8_t, sys/types.h)
++AC_CHECK_TYPEDEF(uint8_t, sys/types.h)
+ AC_CHECK_TYPEDEF(int64_t, sys/types.h)
+ AC_CHECK_TYPEDEF(int32_t, sys/types.h)
+ AC_CHECK_TYPEDEF(int16_t, sys/types.h)
+diff --git a/globals-structtypes.h b/globals-structtypes.h
+index 2de7c6f..61a1632 100644
+--- a/globals-structtypes.h
++++ b/globals-structtypes.h
+@@ -71,22 +71,38 @@ typedef u_int   u_int32_t;
+ #if defined(HAVE_u_int64_T)
+ #define u_int64_t u_int64_t
+ #else
++#if defined(HAVE_UINT64_T)
++#define u_int64_t uint64_t
+ #error "Sorry, I'm unable to define u_int64_t on your platform"
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(HAVE_U_INT32_T)
++#if defined(HAVE_UINT32_T)
++#define u_int32_t uint32_t
+ typedef unsigned int u_int32_t;
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(HAVE_U_INT16_T)
++#if defined(HAVE_UINT16_T)
++#define u_int16_t uint16_t
+ typedef unsigned short u_int16_t;
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(HAVE_U_INT8_T)
++#if defined(HAVE_UINT8_T)
++#define u_int8_t uint8_t
+ typedef unsigned char u_int8_t;
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(HAVE_INT32_T)
+ typedef int int32_t;
+@@ -312,7 +328,11 @@ typedef struct protocolsList {
+ #define pthread_rwlock_wrlock    pthread_mutex_lock
+ #define pthread_rwlock_unlock    pthread_mutex_unlock
+ #define pthread_rwlock_destroy   pthread_mutex_destroy
++#ifdef SOLARIS
++#define pthread_rwlock_trywrlock pthread_mutex_trylock
++#else /* SOLARIS */
+ #define pthread_rwlock_trywrlock pthread_mutex_trywrlock
++#endif /* SOLARIS */
+ #endif
+ #endif

                               (rev 0)
       2010-11-11 11:52:33 UTC (rev 11565)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+From ef3ce9708fb1625f97fd8eff7665052602bb6429 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dagobert Michelsen <>
+Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 12:35:04 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Strip default Solaris library pathes as we set our own
+ configureextra/SOLARIS10 |    6 +++---
+ configureextra/SOLARIS9  |    4 ++--
+ 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configureextra/SOLARIS10 b/configureextra/SOLARIS10
+index 5e12960..6f1a6ea 100644
+--- a/configureextra/SOLARIS10
++++ b/configureextra/SOLARIS10
+@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
+ #
+ echo "        Setting Solaris 10 specific flag values"
+-LDFLAGS="-L/opt/sfw/lib -L/usr/local/lib -R/opt/sfw/lib -R/usr/local/lib 
++#LDFLAGS="-L/opt/sfw/lib -L/usr/local/lib -R/opt/sfw/lib -R/usr/local/lib 
+ LIBS="-lnsl -lsocket ${LIBS}"
+-CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/sfw/include"
++#CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/sfw/include"
+ . configureextra/functions
+@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ echo "- cd /usr/local/lib"
+ echo "- ln -s"
+ echo "- rm libpcap.a"
+ echo ""
+-echo "*************************************************"
+\ No newline at end of file
++echo "*************************************************"
+diff --git a/configureextra/SOLARIS9 b/configureextra/SOLARIS9
+index f968ea1..4323773 100755
+--- a/configureextra/SOLARIS9
++++ b/configureextra/SOLARIS9
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+ #!/bin/sh
+ echo "        Setting Solaris 9 specific flag values"
+-LDFLAGS="-L/opt/sfw/lib -L/usr/local/lib -R/opt/sfw/lib -R/usr/local/lib 
++# LDFLAGS="-L/opt/sfw/lib -L/usr/local/lib -R/opt/sfw/lib -R/usr/local/lib 
+ LIBS="-lnsl -lsocket ${LIBS}"
+-CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/sfw/include"
++# CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/sfw/include"
+ . configureextra/functions

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/     2010-11-11 10:48:07 UTC 
(rev 11564)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/     2010-11-11 11:52:33 UTC 
(rev 11565)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
---- ntop-3.3.10.old/       2009-05-06 16:55:22.000000000 +0200
-+++ ntop-3.3.10/   2009-12-24 02:57:08.602866458 +0100
-@@ -274,6 +274,15 @@
-               [  --with-pcap-root=DIR        LBNL pcap located in DIR],
-               PCAP_ROOT="$withval",
-               PCAP_ROOT=)
-+AC_ARG_WITH(  pcap-lib,
-+              [  --with-pcap-lib=DIR          or libpcap located in DIR],
-+              PCAP_LIB="$withval",
-+              PCAP_LIB=)
-+AC_ARG_WITH(  pcap-include,
-+              [  --with-pcap-include=DIR      or pcap.h located in DIR],
-+              PCAP_INCLUDE="$withval",
-+              PCAP_INCLUDE=)
- AC_ARG_WITH(  gdbm-root,
-               [  --with-gdbm-root=DIR        gdbm located in DIR],
-               GDBM_DIRECTORY="$withval",
-@@ -670,6 +679,7 @@
-        INCS="${INCS} -I/usr/include/pcap"
-        AC_MSG_RESULT([found in $PCAP_ROOT])
- else
-+     NTOP_APPENDS([${PCAP_INCLUDE}], [${PCAP_LIB}], [pcap])
-      AC_CHECK_LIB(pcap, pcap_lookupdev, , [
-        AC_MSG_RESULT([             *** FATAL ERROR ***             ])
-        AC_MSG_RESULT([ It looks that you don't have the libpcap distribution 
-@@ -1659,7 +1669,7 @@
-    wget$LUA_VERSION.tar.gz
- fi
--tar xvfz $LUA_VERSION.tar.gz
-+gtar xvfz $LUA_VERSION.tar.gz
- cat $LUA_VERSION/src/Makefile | sed -e s,'MYCFLAGS=-DLUA_USE_POSIX',' 
MYCFLAGS="-fPIC -DLUA_USE_POSIX"',g > /tmp/lua.temp
- cat /tmp/lua.temp >  $LUA_VERSION/src/Makefile
- #rm -f /tmp/lua.temp
-@@ -1968,7 +1978,7 @@
- else
-    wget
- fi
--tar xvfz GeoIP.tar.gz
-+gtar xvfz GeoIP.tar.gz
- GEO_DIR=`find $PWD -type d -name "GeoIP-*"`
- cd $GEO_DIR; ./configure --prefix=${prefix}; make; cd ..
- # OSX Fix

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/configureextra_opencsw.diff
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/configureextra_opencsw.diff   2010-11-11 
10:48:07 UTC (rev 11564)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/configureextra_opencsw.diff   2010-11-11 
11:52:33 UTC (rev 11565)
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-diff -ru ntop-3.3.10.old/configureextra/SOLARIS10 
---- ntop-3.3.10.old/configureextra/SOLARIS10   2007-05-03 23:31:40.000000000 
-+++ ntop-3.3.10/configureextra/SOLARIS10       2009-12-24 02:31:19.464874160 
-@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
- #
- echo "        Setting Solaris 10 specific flag values"
--LDFLAGS="-L/opt/sfw/lib -L/usr/local/lib -R/opt/sfw/lib -R/usr/local/lib 
-+LDFLAGS="-L/opt/csw/lib -R/opt/csw/lib ${LDFLAGS}"
- LIBS="-lnsl -lsocket ${LIBS}"
--CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/sfw/include"
-+CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I/opt/csw/include"
- . configureextra/functions
-@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@
- echo "- ln -s"
- echo "- rm libpcap.a"
- echo ""
--echo "*************************************************"
-\ No newline at end of file
-+echo "*************************************************"
-diff -ru ntop-3.3.10.old/configureextra/SOLARIS8 
---- ntop-3.3.10.old/configureextra/SOLARIS8    2005-09-29 10:42:23.000000000 
-+++ ntop-3.3.10/configureextra/SOLARIS8        2009-12-24 02:33:36.592681360 
-@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
- #!/bin/sh
- echo "        Setting Solaris 8 specific flag values"
-+LDFLAGS="-L/opt/csw/lib -R/opt/csw/lib ${LDFLAGS}"
- LIBS="-lnsl -lsocket ${LIBS}"
-+CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I/opt/csw/include"
- . configureextra/functions
-diff -ru ntop-3.3.10.old/configureextra/SOLARIS9 
---- ntop-3.3.10.old/configureextra/SOLARIS9    2003-12-02 13:03:47.000000000 
-+++ ntop-3.3.10/configureextra/SOLARIS9        2009-12-24 02:33:21.611018077 
-@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- #!/bin/sh
- echo "        Setting Solaris 9 specific flag values"
--LDFLAGS="-L/opt/sfw/lib -L/usr/local/lib -R/opt/sfw/lib -R/usr/local/lib 
-+LDFLAGS="-L/opt/csw/lib -R/opt/csw/lib ${LDFLAGS}"
- LIBS="-lnsl -lsocket ${LIBS}"
--CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/sfw/include"
-+CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I/opt/csw/include"
- . configureextra/functions

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/cswntop
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/cswntop                               (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/cswntop       2010-11-11 11:52:33 UTC (rev 
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# ntop startup script for ntop v3.0
+# v1.0
+ if [ ! -f "$CONF" ]; then
+  echo "Configuration file not found."
+  exit 1
+ else
+  DATADIR=`/usr/bin/egrep "^\--db-file-path|^-P" "$CONF" | /usr/bin/cut -f2 
-d" "`
+  if [ -z "$DATADIR" ]; then
+   DATADIR=/var/opt/csw/ntop
+  fi
+ fi
+case $1 in
+       DAEMON_MODE=`/usr/bin/egrep "^\--daemon|^-d" "$CONF"`
+       if [ -z "$DAEMON_MODE" ];then 
+        echo "No configured as a daemon."
+        exit 1
+       fi
+       NTOPUSER=`/usr/bin/egrep "^\--user|^-u" "$CONF" | /usr/bin/cut -f2 -d" 
+       NTOPGROUP=`/usr/bin/egrep "^${NTOPUSER}:" /etc/passwd | /usr/bin/cut 
-f4 -d":" `
+       if [ -z "$NTOPGROUP" ]; then
+        echo "Invalid ntop user ${NTOPUSER}"
+        exit 1
+        fi
+       if [ -z "$NTOPUSER" ]; then 
+        NTOPUSER=nobody
+        EXTRA="${EXTRA} -u ${NTOPUSER}"
+       fi
+       if [ ! -d "$DATADIR" ];then
+        /usr/bin/mkdir -p ${DATADIR}
+        /usr/bin/chown ${NTOPUSER}:${NTOPGROUP} ${DATADIR}
+        /usr/bin/chmod 0711 ${DATADIR}
+        fi
+       if [ ! -f "$DATADIR/ntop_pw.db" ];then
+        echo "No password database !"
+        exit 1;
+       fi
+       HTTP=`/usr/bin/egrep "^\--http-server|^-w" "$CONF" | /usr/bin/cut -f2 
-d" "`
+       if [ -z "$HTTP" ];then
+        EXTRA=" ${EXTRA} -w 3000"
+       fi
+       HTTPS=`/usr/bin/egrep "^\--http-servers|^-W" "$CONF" | /usr/bin/cut -f2 
-d" "`
+       if [ -z "$HTTPS" ];then
+        EXTRA=" ${EXTRA} -W 0"
+       fi
+       INTERFACES=`/usr/bin/egrep "^\--interfaces|^-i" "$CONF" | /usr/bin/cut 
-f2 -d" "`
+       if [ -z "$INTERFACES" ];then
+        for i in `/sbin/ifconfig -a |/usr/bin/grep "^[a-z0-9]*:"`
+          do
+           /usr/bin/echo $i | /usr/bin/grep "^[a-z0-9]*:" >/dev/null 2>&1      
+           if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
+            continue
+           fi
+           m=`/usr/bin/echo ${i} | /usr/bin/sed 's/:[0-9]*:*//'`
+           if [ "$m" = "lo0" ]; then
+            continue
+           fi
+           net_device_list="${net_device_list} ${m}"
+          done
+         net_device_list=`/usr/bin/echo $net_device_list | /usr/bin/sort -u`
+         interfaces=0;
+         set -- $net_device_list
+         for i
+         do
+          if [ ${interfaces} -gt 0 ]; then
+           INTERFACES="${i},${INTERFACES}"
+          else
+           INTERFACES="${i}"
+          fi
+          interfaces=`/usr/bin/expr ${interfaces} + 1`
+         done
+        fi
+       if [ ${interfaces} -gt 1 ]; then
+        EXTRA=" ${EXTRA} -i ${INTERFACES}"
+       fi
+       LOG=`/usr/bin/egrep "^\--use-syslog|^-L" "$CONF" | /usr/bin/cut -f2 -d" 
+       if [ -z "$LOG" ];then
+        EXTRA=" ${EXTRA} --use-syslog=local3"
+       fi
+        /usr/bin/echo "Start ntop network traffic usage monitor..."
+       if [ -z "$EXTRA" ];then 
+         $BINDIR/ntop @${CONF}
+       else
+        $BINDIR/ntop ${EXTRA} @${CONF}
+       fi
+        ;;
+        echo "Stop ntop network traffic usage monitor..."
+        if [ -f "$PIDFILE" ]; then
+                /usr/bin/kill -TERM `/usr/bin/cat $PIDFILE`
+        fi
+        ;;
+        echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop }"
+        exit 1
+        ;;

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/intdef.diff
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/intdef.diff   2010-11-11 10:48:07 UTC (rev 
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/intdef.diff   2010-11-11 11:52:33 UTC (rev 
@@ -1,767 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nru ntop-3.0pre2.orig/globals-structtypes.h 
---- ntop-3.0pre2.orig/globals-structtypes.h    2004-03-03 17:14:48.000000000 
-+++ ntop-3.0pre2/globals-structtypes.h 2004-03-11 11:39:45.793529000 -0800
-@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
-   struct {
-     unsigned naa:4;
--    u_int64_t   vendor_specific:60;
-+    uint64_t   vendor_specific:60;
-   } wwn_format3;
-   struct {
-@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
-   struct {
-     unsigned naa            :4;
-     unsigned ieee_company_id:24;
--    u_int64_t   vsid        :36; /* vendor specific ID */
-+    uint64_t   vsid        :36; /* vendor specific ID */
-   } wwn_format5;
- #else 
-   struct {
-@@ -166,23 +166,23 @@
-   } wwn_format2;
-   struct {    
--    u_int64_t   vendor_specific:60;
-+    uint64_t   vendor_specific:60;
-     unsigned naa:4;
-   } wwn_format3;
-   struct {
--    u_int32_t ip_addr;
-+    uint32_t ip_addr;
-     unsigned  reserved      :28;    
-     unsigned  naa           :4;
-   } wwn_format4;
-   struct {
--    u_int64_t   vsid        :36;
-+    uint64_t   vsid        :36;
-     unsigned ieee_company_id:24;    
-     unsigned naa            :4;
-   } wwn_format5;
- #endif
--  u_int64_t num;
-+  uint64_t num;
- } wwn_t;
- typedef struct hostAddr {
-diff -Nru ntop-3.0pre2.orig/plugins/sflowPlugin.c 
---- ntop-3.0pre2.orig/plugins/sflowPlugin.c    2004-02-23 19:49:44.000000000 
-+++ ntop-3.0pre2/plugins/sflowPlugin.c 2004-03-11 11:41:24.411656000 -0800
-@@ -115,45 +115,45 @@
- /* define my own IP header struct - to ease portability */
- struct myiphdr
- {
--  u_int8_t version_and_headerLen;
--  u_int8_t tos;
--  u_int16_t tot_len;
--  u_int16_t id;
--  u_int16_t frag_off;
--  u_int8_t ttl;
--  u_int8_t protocol;
--  u_int16_t check;
--  u_int32_t saddr;
--  u_int32_t daddr;
-+  uint8_t version_and_headerLen;
-+  uint8_t tos;
-+  uint16_t tot_len;
-+  uint16_t id;
-+  uint16_t frag_off;
-+  uint8_t ttl;
-+  uint8_t protocol;
-+  uint16_t check;
-+  uint32_t saddr;
-+  uint32_t daddr;
- };
- /* same for tcp */
- struct mytcphdr
- {
--  u_int16_t th_sport;         /* source port */
--  u_int16_t th_dport;         /* destination port */
--  u_int32_t th_seq;           /* sequence number */
--  u_int32_t th_ack;           /* acknowledgement number */
--  u_int8_t th_off_and_unused;
--  u_int8_t th_flags;
--  u_int16_t th_win;           /* window */
--  u_int16_t th_sum;           /* checksum */
--  u_int16_t th_urp;           /* urgent pointer */
-+  uint16_t th_sport;          /* source port */
-+  uint16_t th_dport;          /* destination port */
-+  uint32_t th_seq;            /* sequence number */
-+  uint32_t th_ack;            /* acknowledgement number */
-+  uint8_t th_off_and_unused;
-+  uint8_t th_flags;
-+  uint16_t th_win;            /* window */
-+  uint16_t th_sum;            /* checksum */
-+  uint16_t th_urp;            /* urgent pointer */
- };
- /* and UDP */
- struct myudphdr {
--  u_int16_t uh_sport;           /* source port */
--  u_int16_t uh_dport;           /* destination port */
--  u_int16_t uh_ulen;            /* udp length */
--  u_int16_t uh_sum;             /* udp checksum */
-+  uint16_t uh_sport;           /* source port */
-+  uint16_t uh_dport;           /* destination port */
-+  uint16_t uh_ulen;            /* udp length */
-+  uint16_t uh_sum;             /* udp checksum */
- };
- /* and ICMP */
- struct myicmphdr
- {
--  u_int8_t type;              /* message type */
--  u_int8_t code;              /* type sub-code */
-+  uint8_t type;               /* message type */
-+  uint8_t code;               /* type sub-code */
-   /* ignore the rest */
- };
-@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@
- {
-   union
-   {
--    u_int8_t u6_addr8[16];
--    u_int16_t u6_addr16[8];
--    u_int32_t u6_addr32[4];
-+    uint8_t u6_addr8[16];
-+    uint16_t u6_addr16[8];
-+    uint32_t u6_addr32[4];
-   } in6_u;
- };
- #endif /* HAVE_IN6_ADDR */
-@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
- } INMAddress_value;
- typedef struct _INMAddress {
--  u_int32_t type;           /* enum INMAddress_type */
-+  uint32_t type;           /* enum INMAddress_type */
-   INMAddress_value address;
- } INMAddress;
-@@ -206,38 +206,38 @@
- };
- typedef struct _INMSampled_header {
--  u_int32_t header_protocol;            /* (enum INMHeader_protocol) */
--  u_int32_t frame_length;               /* Original length of packet before 
sampling */
--  u_int32_t header_length;              /* length of sampled header bytes to 
follow */
--  u_int8_t header[INM_MAX_HEADER_SIZE]; /* Header bytes */
-+  uint32_t header_protocol;            /* (enum INMHeader_protocol) */
-+  uint32_t frame_length;               /* Original length of packet before 
sampling */
-+  uint32_t header_length;              /* length of sampled header bytes to 
follow */
-+  uint8_t header[INM_MAX_HEADER_SIZE]; /* Header bytes */
- } INMSampled_header;
- /* Packet IP version 4 data */
- typedef struct _INMSampled_ipv4 {
--  u_int32_t length;      /* The length of the IP packet
-+  uint32_t length;      /* The length of the IP packet
-                           excluding lower layer encapsulations */
--  u_int32_t protocol;    /* IP Protocol type (for example, TCP = 6, UDP = 17) 
-+  uint32_t protocol;    /* IP Protocol type (for example, TCP = 6, UDP = 17) 
-   struct in_addr src_ip; /* Source IP Address */
-   struct in_addr dst_ip; /* Destination IP Address */
--  u_int32_t src_port;    /* TCP/UDP source port number or equivalent */
--  u_int32_t dst_port;    /* TCP/UDP destination port number or equivalent */
--  u_int32_t tcp_flags;   /* TCP flags */
--  u_int32_t tos;         /* IP type of service */
-+  uint32_t src_port;    /* TCP/UDP source port number or equivalent */
-+  uint32_t dst_port;    /* TCP/UDP destination port number or equivalent */
-+  uint32_t tcp_flags;   /* TCP flags */
-+  uint32_t tos;         /* IP type of service */
- } INMSampled_ipv4;
- /* Packet IP version 6 data */
- typedef struct _INMSampled_ipv6 {
--  u_int32_t length;       /* The length of the IP packet
-+  uint32_t length;       /* The length of the IP packet
-                            excluding lower layer encapsulations */
--  u_int32_t protocol;     /* IP Protocol type (for example, TCP = 6, UDP = 
17) */
-+  uint32_t protocol;     /* IP Protocol type (for example, TCP = 6, UDP = 17) 
-   struct in6_addr src_ip; /* Source IP Address */
-   struct in6_addr dst_ip; /* Destination IP Address */
--  u_int32_t src_port;     /* TCP/UDP source port number or equivalent */
--  u_int32_t dst_port;     /* TCP/UDP destination port number or equivalent */
--  u_int32_t tcp_flags;    /* TCP flags */
--  u_int32_t tos;          /* IP type of service */
-+  uint32_t src_port;     /* TCP/UDP source port number or equivalent */
-+  uint32_t dst_port;     /* TCP/UDP destination port number or equivalent */
-+  uint32_t tcp_flags;    /* TCP flags */
-+  uint32_t tos;          /* IP type of service */
- } INMSampled_ipv6;
-@@ -260,35 +260,35 @@
- /* Extended switch data */
- typedef struct _INMExtended_switch {
--  u_int32_t src_vlan;       /* The 802.1Q VLAN id of incomming frame */
--  u_int32_t src_priority;   /* The 802.1p priority */
--  u_int32_t dst_vlan;       /* The 802.1Q VLAN id of outgoing frame */
--  u_int32_t dst_priority;   /* The 802.1p priority */
-+  uint32_t src_vlan;       /* The 802.1Q VLAN id of incomming frame */
-+  uint32_t src_priority;   /* The 802.1p priority */
-+  uint32_t dst_vlan;       /* The 802.1Q VLAN id of outgoing frame */
-+  uint32_t dst_priority;   /* The 802.1p priority */
- } INMExtended_switch;
- /* Extended router data */
- typedef struct _INMExtended_router {
-   INMAddress nexthop;               /* IP address of next hop router */
--  u_int32_t src_mask;               /* Source address prefix mask bits */
--  u_int32_t dst_mask;               /* Destination address prefix mask bits */
-+  uint32_t src_mask;               /* Source address prefix mask bits */
-+  uint32_t dst_mask;               /* Destination address prefix mask bits */
- } INMExtended_router;
- /* Extended gateway data */
- typedef struct _INMExtended_gateway {
--  u_int32_t as;              /* AS number for this gateway */
--  u_int32_t src_as;
--  u_int32_t src_peer_as;
--  u_int32_t dst_as_path_length;
--  u_int32_t *dst_as_path;
-+  uint32_t as;              /* AS number for this gateway */
-+  uint32_t src_as;
-+  uint32_t src_peer_as;
-+  uint32_t dst_as_path_length;
-+  uint32_t *dst_as_path;
- } INMExtended_gateway;
- /* Extended user data */
- typedef struct _INMExtended_user {
--  u_int32_t src_user_len;
-+  uint32_t src_user_len;
-   char *src_user;
--  u_int32_t dst_user_len;
-+  uint32_t dst_user_len;
-   char *dst_user;
- } INMExtended_user;
-@@ -304,18 +304,18 @@
- /* Format of a single sample */
- typedef struct _INMFlow_sample {
--  u_int32_t sequence_number;      /* Incremented with each flow sample
-+  uint32_t sequence_number;      /* Incremented with each flow sample
-                                    generated */
--  u_int32_t source_id;            /* fsSourceId */
--  u_int32_t sampling_rate;        /* fsPacketSamplingRate */
--  u_int32_t sample_pool;          /* Total number of packets that could have 
-+  uint32_t source_id;            /* fsSourceId */
-+  uint32_t sampling_rate;        /* fsPacketSamplingRate */
-+  uint32_t sample_pool;          /* Total number of packets that could have 
-                                    sampled (i.e. packets skipped by sampling
-                                    process + total number of samples) */
--  u_int32_t drops;                /* Number of times a packet was dropped due 
-+  uint32_t drops;                /* Number of times a packet was dropped due 
-                                    lack of resources */
--  u_int32_t input;                /* SNMP ifIndex of input interface.
-+  uint32_t input;                /* SNMP ifIndex of input interface.
-                                    0 if interface is not known. */
--  u_int32_t output;               /* SNMP ifIndex of output interface,
-+  uint32_t output;               /* SNMP ifIndex of output interface,
-                                    0 if interface is not known.
-                                    Set most significant bit to indicate
-                                    multiple destination interfaces
-@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
-                                    0x80000000  indicates a packet sent to
-                                    an unknown number of
-                                    interfaces greater than 1.*/
--  u_int32_t packet_data_tag;       /* enum INMPacket_information_type */
-+  uint32_t packet_data_tag;       /* enum INMPacket_information_type */
-   INMPacket_data_type packet_data; /* Information about sampled packet */
-   /* in the sFlow packet spec the next field is the number of extended objects
-@@ -352,46 +352,46 @@
- /* Generic interface counters - see RFC 1573, 2233 */
- typedef struct _INMIf_counters {
--  u_int32_t ifIndex;
--  u_int32_t ifType;
--  u_int64_t ifSpeed;
--  u_int32_t ifDirection;        /* Derived from MAU MIB (RFC 2239)
-+  uint32_t ifIndex;
-+  uint32_t ifType;
-+  uint64_t ifSpeed;
-+  uint32_t ifDirection;        /* Derived from MAU MIB (RFC 2239)
-                                  0 = unknown, 1 = full-duplex,
-                                  2 = half-duplex, 3 = in, 4 = out */
--  u_int32_t ifStatus;           /* bit field with the following bits assigned:
-+  uint32_t ifStatus;           /* bit field with the following bits assigned:
-                                  bit 0 = ifAdminStatus (0 = down, 1 = up)
-                                  bit 1 = ifOperStatus (0 = down, 1 = up) */
--  u_int64_t ifInOctets;
--  u_int32_t ifInUcastPkts;
--  u_int32_t ifInMulticastPkts;
--  u_int32_t ifInBroadcastPkts;
--  u_int32_t ifInDiscards;
--  u_int32_t ifInErrors;
--  u_int32_t ifInUnknownProtos;
--  u_int64_t ifOutOctets;
--  u_int32_t ifOutUcastPkts;
--  u_int32_t ifOutMulticastPkts;
--  u_int32_t ifOutBroadcastPkts;
--  u_int32_t ifOutDiscards;
--  u_int32_t ifOutErrors;
--  u_int32_t ifPromiscuousMode;
-+  uint64_t ifInOctets;
-+  uint32_t ifInUcastPkts;
-+  uint32_t ifInMulticastPkts;
-+  uint32_t ifInBroadcastPkts;
-+  uint32_t ifInDiscards;
-+  uint32_t ifInErrors;
-+  uint32_t ifInUnknownProtos;
-+  uint64_t ifOutOctets;
-+  uint32_t ifOutUcastPkts;
-+  uint32_t ifOutMulticastPkts;
-+  uint32_t ifOutBroadcastPkts;
-+  uint32_t ifOutDiscards;
-+  uint32_t ifOutErrors;
-+  uint32_t ifPromiscuousMode;
- } INMIf_counters;
- /* Ethernet interface counters - see RFC 2358 */
- typedef struct _INMEthernet_specific_counters {
--  u_int32_t dot3StatsAlignmentErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot3StatsFCSErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames;
--  u_int32_t dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames;
--  u_int32_t dot3StatsSQETestErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions;
--  u_int32_t dot3StatsLateCollisions;
--  u_int32_t dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions;
--  u_int32_t dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot3StatsFrameTooLongs;
--  u_int32_t dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot3StatsSymbolErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot3StatsAlignmentErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot3StatsFCSErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames;
-+  uint32_t dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames;
-+  uint32_t dot3StatsSQETestErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions;
-+  uint32_t dot3StatsLateCollisions;
-+  uint32_t dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions;
-+  uint32_t dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot3StatsFrameTooLongs;
-+  uint32_t dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot3StatsSymbolErrors;
- } INMEthernet_specific_counters;
- typedef struct _INMEthernet_counters {
-@@ -407,24 +407,24 @@
- /* Token ring counters - see RFC 1748 */
- typedef struct _INMTokenring_specific_counters {
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsLineErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsBurstErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsACErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsAbortTransErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsInternalErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsLostFrameErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsReceiveCongestions;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsFrameCopiedErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsTokenErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsSoftErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsHardErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsSignalLoss;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsTransmitBeacons;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsRecoverys;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsLobeWires;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsRemoves;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsSingles;
--  u_int32_t dot5StatsFreqErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsLineErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsBurstErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsACErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsAbortTransErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsInternalErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsLostFrameErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsReceiveCongestions;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsFrameCopiedErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsTokenErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsSoftErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsHardErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsSignalLoss;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsTransmitBeacons;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsRecoverys;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsLobeWires;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsRemoves;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsSingles;
-+  uint32_t dot5StatsFreqErrors;
- } INMTokenring_specific_counters;
- typedef struct _INMTokenring_counters {
-@@ -435,20 +435,20 @@
- /* 100 BaseVG interface counters - see RFC 2020 */
- typedef struct _INMVg_specific_counters {
--  u_int32_t dot12InHighPriorityFrames;
--  u_int64_t dot12InHighPriorityOctets;
--  u_int32_t dot12InNormPriorityFrames;
--  u_int64_t dot12InNormPriorityOctets;
--  u_int32_t dot12InIPMErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot12InOversizeFrameErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot12InDataErrors;
--  u_int32_t dot12InNullAddressedFrames;
--  u_int32_t dot12OutHighPriorityFrames;
--  u_int64_t dot12OutHighPriorityOctets;
--  u_int32_t dot12TransitionIntoTrainings;
--  u_int64_t dot12HCInHighPriorityOctets;
--  u_int64_t dot12HCInNormPriorityOctets;
--  u_int64_t dot12HCOutHighPriorityOctets;
-+  uint32_t dot12InHighPriorityFrames;
-+  uint64_t dot12InHighPriorityOctets;
-+  uint32_t dot12InNormPriorityFrames;
-+  uint64_t dot12InNormPriorityOctets;
-+  uint32_t dot12InIPMErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot12InOversizeFrameErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot12InDataErrors;
-+  uint32_t dot12InNullAddressedFrames;
-+  uint32_t dot12OutHighPriorityFrames;
-+  uint64_t dot12OutHighPriorityOctets;
-+  uint32_t dot12TransitionIntoTrainings;
-+  uint64_t dot12HCInHighPriorityOctets;
-+  uint64_t dot12HCInNormPriorityOctets;
-+  uint64_t dot12HCOutHighPriorityOctets;
- } INMVg_specific_counters;
- typedef struct _INMVg_counters {
-@@ -463,12 +463,12 @@
- } INMWan_counters;
- typedef struct _INMVlan_counters {
--  u_int32_t vlan_id;
--  u_int64_t octets;
--  u_int32_t ucastPkts;
--  u_int32_t multicastPkts;
--  u_int32_t broadcastPkts;
--  u_int32_t discards;
-+  uint32_t vlan_id;
-+  uint64_t octets;
-+  uint32_t ucastPkts;
-+  uint32_t multicastPkts;
-+  uint32_t broadcastPkts;
-+  uint32_t discards;
- } INMVlan_counters;
- /* Counters data */
-@@ -494,15 +494,15 @@
- } INMCounters_type;
- typedef struct _INMCounters_sample_hdr {
--  u_int32_t sequence_number;    /* Incremented with each counters sample
-+  uint32_t sequence_number;    /* Incremented with each counters sample
-                                  generated by this source_id */
--  u_int32_t source_id;          /* fsSourceId */
--  u_int32_t sampling_interval;  /* fsCounterSamplingInterval */
-+  uint32_t source_id;          /* fsSourceId */
-+  uint32_t sampling_interval;  /* fsCounterSamplingInterval */
- } INMCounters_sample_hdr;
- typedef struct _INMCounters_sample {
-   INMCounters_sample_hdr hdr;
--  u_int32_t counters_type_tag;  /* Enum INMCounters_version */
-+  uint32_t counters_type_tag;  /* Enum INMCounters_version */
-   INMCounters_type counters;    /* Counter set for this interface type */
- } INMCounters_sample;
-@@ -523,14 +523,14 @@
- };
- typedef struct _INMSample_datagram_hdr {
--  u_int32_t datagram_version;      /* (enum INMDatagram_version) = VERSION2 */
-+  uint32_t datagram_version;      /* (enum INMDatagram_version) = VERSION2 */
-   INMAddress agent_address;        /* IP address of sampling agent */
--  u_int32_t sequence_number;       /* Incremented with each sample datagram
-+  uint32_t sequence_number;       /* Incremented with each sample datagram
-                                     generated */
--  u_int32_t uptime;                /* Current time (in milliseconds since 
-+  uint32_t uptime;                /* Current time (in milliseconds since 
-                                     last booted). Should be set as close to
-                                     datagram transmission time as possible.*/
--  u_int32_t num_samples;           /* Number of flow and counters samples to 
follow */
-+  uint32_t num_samples;           /* Number of flow and counters samples to 
follow */
- } INMSample_datagram_hdr;
- typedef struct _SFSample {
-@@ -539,15 +539,15 @@
-   /* the raw pdu */
-   u_char *rawSample;
--  u_int rawSampleLen;
-+  uint rawSampleLen;
--  u_int sampleType;
--  u_int samplerId;
-+  uint sampleType;
-+  uint samplerId;
-   /* interface info */
-   u_long ifIndex;
-   u_long networkType;
--  u_int64_t ifSpeed;
-+  uint64_t ifSpeed;
-   u_long ifDirection;
-   u_long ifStatus;
-@@ -570,12 +570,12 @@
-   int offsetToIPV4;
-   struct in_addr dcd_srcIP;
-   struct in_addr dcd_dstIP;
--  u_int dcd_ipProtocol;
--  u_int dcd_ipTos;
--  u_int dcd_ipTTL;
--  u_int dcd_sport;
--  u_int dcd_dport;
--  u_int dcd_tcpFlags;
-+  uint dcd_ipProtocol;
-+  uint dcd_ipTos;
-+  uint dcd_ipTTL;
-+  uint dcd_sport;
-+  uint dcd_dport;
-+  uint dcd_tcpFlags;
-   /* ports */
-   u_long inputPort;
-@@ -608,9 +608,9 @@
-   /* user id */
--  u_int src_user_len;
-+  uint src_user_len;
-   char src_user[SA_MAX_EXTENDED_USER_LEN+1];
--  u_int dst_user_len;
-+  uint dst_user_len;
-   char dst_user[SA_MAX_EXTENDED_USER_LEN+1];
-   /* counter blocks */
-@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@
- #define GETDATA32(target, datap) (target) = ntohl(*(datap)++)
- #define GETDATA32_NOBSWAP(target, datap) (target) = *(datap)++
- #define GETDATA64(target, datap) \
--  do { u_int64_t tmpLo, tmpHi;   \
-+  do { uint64_t tmpLo, tmpHi;   \
-        GETDATA32(tmpHi, (datap));  \
-        GETDATA32(tmpLo, (datap));  \
-        (target) = (tmpHi << 32) + tmpLo; \
-@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@
-   u_char *start = (u_char *)sample->header;
-   u_char *end = start + sample->headerLen;
-   u_char *ptr = start;
--  u_int16_t type_len;
-+  uint16_t type_len;
-   /* assume not found */
-   sample->offsetToIPV4 = -1;
-@@ -725,9 +725,9 @@
-   if(type_len == 0x8100) {
-     /* VLAN  - next two bytes */
--    u_int32_t vlanData = (ptr[0] << 8) + ptr[1];
--    u_int32_t vlan = vlanData & 0x0fff;
--    u_int32_t priority = vlanData >> 13;
-+    uint32_t vlanData = (ptr[0] << 8) + ptr[1];
-+    uint32_t vlan = vlanData & 0x0fff;
-+    uint32_t priority = vlanData >> 13;
-     /*  _____________________________________ */
-     /* |   pri  | c |         vlan-id        | */
-     /*  ------------------------------------- */
-@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@
- static u_long *readExtendedRouter(SFSample *sample, u_long *datap, u_char 
- {
--  u_int32_t addrType;
-+  uint32_t addrType;
-   char buf[51];
-   GETDATA32(addrType, datap);
-   if(addrType == INMADDRESSTYPE_IP_V4) 
GETDATA32_NOBSWAP(sample->nextHop.s_addr, datap);
-@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@
-             traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "SFLOW_DEBUG: dst_as_path_len %lu", 
-   }
-   if(sample->dst_as_path_len > 0) {
--    u_int i = 0;
-+    uint i = 0;
-     for(; i < sample->dst_as_path_len; i++) {
-       if(i == 0) if(debug) traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "SFLOW_DEBUG: 
dst_as_path ");
-       else if(debug) traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "-");
-@@ -1081,11 +1081,11 @@
- static void receiveSflowSample(SFSample *sample)
- {
--  u_int numFlowSamples = 0;
--  u_int32_t datagramVersion;
--  u_int32_t addressType;
-+  uint numFlowSamples = 0;
-+  uint32_t datagramVersion;
-+  uint32_t addressType;
-   struct in_addr agentIP;
--  u_int32_t samplesInPacket;
-+  uint32_t samplesInPacket;
-   struct timeval now;
-   u_long *datap = (u_long *)sample->rawSample;
-@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
-   }
-   { /* now iterate and pull out the flows and counters samples */
--    u_int32_t samp = 0;
-+    uint32_t samp = 0;
-     u_char *endPtr = (u_char *)sample->rawSample + sample->rawSampleLen;
-     for(; samp < samplesInPacket; samp++) {
-@@ -1144,8 +1144,8 @@
-       GETDATA32(sample->samplesGenerated, datap);
-       GETDATA32(sample->samplerId, datap);
-       if(debug) {
--      u_int32_t ds_class = sample->samplerId >> 24;
--      u_int32_t ds_index = sample->samplerId & 0x00ffffff;
-+      uint32_t ds_class = sample->samplerId >> 24;
-+      uint32_t ds_index = sample->samplerId & 0x00ffffff;
-         traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "SFLOW_DEBUG: sampleSequenceNo %lu", 
-       traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "SFLOW_DEBUG: sourceId %lu:%lu", ds_class, 
-       }
-@@ -1276,10 +1276,10 @@
-         /* assume no extended data */
-         sample->extended_data_tag = 0;
-         {
--          u_int x;
-+          uint x;
-           GETDATA32(sample->num_extended, datap);
-           for(x = 0; x < sample->num_extended; x++) {
--            u_int32_t extended_tag;
-+            uint32_t extended_tag;
-             GETDATA32(extended_tag, datap);
-             switch(extended_tag) {
-             case INMEXTENDED_SWITCH:
-@@ -1344,7 +1344,7 @@
-             /* the generic counters always come first */
-               if(debug) {
--              u_int64_t cntr64;
-+              uint64_t cntr64;
-               GETDATA64(cntr64, datap);
-               traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "SFLOW_DEBUG: ifInOctets %Lu", 
-               GETDATA32(cntr64, datap);
-@@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@
-           break;
-           if(debug) {
--            u_int32_t cntr32;
-+            uint32_t cntr32;
-             GETDATA32(cntr32, datap);
-             traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "SFLOW_DEBUG: 
dot3StatsAlignmentErrors %lu", cntr32);
-             GETDATA32(cntr32, datap);
-@@ -1424,7 +1424,7 @@
-           break;
-                     {
--            u_int32_t cntr32;
-+            uint32_t cntr32;
-             GETDATA32(cntr32, datap);
-             traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "SFLOW_DEBUG: dot5StatsLineErrors 
%lu", cntr32);
-             GETDATA32(cntr32, datap);
-@@ -1468,7 +1468,7 @@
-           break;
-           if(debug) {
--            u_int64_t cntr64;
-+            uint64_t cntr64;
-             GETDATA32(cntr64, datap);
-             traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "SFLOW_DEBUG: 
dot12InHighPriorityFrames %Lu", cntr64);
-             GETDATA64(cntr64, datap);
-@@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@
-           break;
-           if(debug) {
--            u_int64_t cntr64;
-+            uint64_t cntr64;
-             GETDATA32(sample->in_vlan, datap);
-             traceEvent(CONST_TRACE_INFO, "SFLOW_DEBUG: in_vlan %lu", 
-             GETDATA64(cntr64, datap);
-@@ -1969,26 +1969,26 @@
- /* ****************************** */
- typedef struct sflowSample {
--  u_int32_t datagramVersion;
--  u_int32_t addressType;
--  u_int32_t agentAddress;
--  u_int32_t sequenceNo;
--  u_int32_t sysUpTime;
--  u_int32_t samplesInPacket;
--  u_int32_t sampleType;
--  u_int32_t sampleSequenceNo;
--  u_int32_t samplerId;
--  u_int32_t meanSkipCount;
--  u_int32_t samplePool;
--  u_int32_t dropEvents;
--  u_int32_t inputPort;
--  u_int32_t outputPort;
--  u_int32_t packet_data_tag;
--  u_int32_t headerProtocol;
--  u_int32_t sampledPacketSize;
--  u_int32_t headerLen;
-+  uint32_t datagramVersion;
-+  uint32_t addressType;
-+  uint32_t agentAddress;
-+  uint32_t sequenceNo;
-+  uint32_t sysUpTime;
-+  uint32_t samplesInPacket;
-+  uint32_t sampleType;
-+  uint32_t sampleSequenceNo;
-+  uint32_t samplerId;
-+  uint32_t meanSkipCount;
-+  uint32_t samplePool;
-+  uint32_t dropEvents;
-+  uint32_t inputPort;
-+  uint32_t outputPort;
-+  uint32_t packet_data_tag;
-+  uint32_t headerProtocol;
-+  uint32_t sampledPacketSize;
-+  uint32_t headerLen;
-   u_char    packetData[DEFAULT_SNAPLEN];
--  u_int32_t extended_data_tag;
-+  uint32_t extended_data_tag;
- } SflowSample;
- /* **************************************** */
-@@ -2004,10 +2004,10 @@
-     /* ntop is reading packets from a file */
-     struct ether_header ehdr;
--    u_int caplen = h->caplen;
--    u_int length = h->len;
-+    uint caplen = h->caplen;
-+    uint length = h->len;
-     unsigned short eth_type;
--    u_int8_t flags = 0;
-+    uint8_t flags = 0;
-     struct ip ip;
-     struct udphdr up;
-@@ -2016,11 +2016,11 @@
-       eth_type = ntohs(ehdr.ether_type);
-       if(eth_type == ETHERTYPE_IP) {
--      u_int plen, hlen;
-+      uint plen, hlen;
-       u_short sport, dport;
-       memcpy(&ip, p+sizeof(struct ether_header), sizeof(struct ip));
--      hlen = (u_int)ip.ip_hl * 4;
-+      hlen = (uint)ip.ip_hl * 4;
-       NTOHL(ip.ip_dst.s_addr); NTOHL(ip.ip_src.s_addr);
-       plen = length-sizeof(struct ether_header);

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/postinstall
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/postinstall                           (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/postinstall   2010-11-11 11:52:33 UTC (rev 
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+export PATH
+if [ ! -f "$CONFDIR/ntop.conf" ]; then
+  cp -p $CONFDIR/ntop.conf.CSW $CONFDIR/ntop.conf
+if [ ! -f "$DATADIR/ntop_pw.db" ]; then
+  if [ ! -d "$DATADIR" ]; then
+   mkdir -p $DATADIR
+   chown nobody:nobody $DATADIR
+   chmod 0711 $DATADIR
+  fi
+  $BASEDIR/opt/csw/bin/ntop -P $DATADIR -u nobody 
+echo "\nURL to access ntop is http://hostname:3000";

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/postremove
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/postremove                            (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/postremove    2010-11-11 11:52:33 UTC (rev 
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+if [ -d "$CONFDIR" ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "You might want to manually remove files in $CONFDIR."

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/request
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/request                               (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ntop/trunk/files/request       2010-11-11 11:52:33 UTC (rev 
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+if [ ! -f  $DATADIR/ntop_pw.db ]; then
+ stty -echo
+ trap "stty echo ; echo 'Interrupted' ; exit 1" 1 2 3 15
+ while [ true ]; do
+  echo "\nPlease enter the password for the admin user: \c"
+  read admin_pw
+  if [ `expr "$admin_pw" : '.*'` -ge 5 ];then
+   echo "\nPlease enter the password again: \c"
+   read admin_pw1
+   if [ "$admin_pw" != "$admin_pw1" ];then
+    echo "\nPasswords don't match. Please try again."
+   else
+    break
+   fi
+  else
+   echo "\nPassword too short (5 characters or more). Please try again."
+  fi
+ done
+ echo "\n"
+ stty echo
+cat > $1 << !
+exit 0

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