Revision: 5661

Author:   j_arndt
Date:     2009-07-26 17:41:39 +0000 (Sun, 26 Jul 2009)

Log Message:
cacti: Initial commit

Added Paths:

Property changes on: csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk
Added: svn:ignore
   + cookies

Added: svn:externals
   + gar

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/Makefile                           (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/Makefile   2009-07-26 17:41:39 UTC (rev 5661)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+GARNAME = cacti
+GARVERSION = 0.8.7e
+DESCRIPTION = a network graphing solution based on RRDtool
+define BLURB
+  Cacti is a complete network graphing solution designed to harness the power 
of RRDTool's data storage and graphing functionality. Cacti provides a fast 
poller, advanced graph templating, multiple data acquisition methods, and user 
management features out of the box. All of this is wrapped in an intuitive, 
easy to use interface that makes sense for LAN-sized installations up to 
complex networks with hundreds of devices.
+#DISTFILES += CSWcacti.prototype CSWcacti.preinstall
+DISTFILES += CSWcacti.prototype CSWcacti.postinstall
+PATCHFILES += global_settings.php.diff
+PATCHFILES += install_index.php.diff   # added search paths for initial setup
+PATCHFILES += global.php.diff          # path to rrd files is hard coded :(
+PATCHFILES += cacti.sql.diff
+PATCHFILES += config.php.diff
+# We define upstream file regex so we can be notifed of new upstream software 
+UFILES_REGEX = -(\d+(?:\.\d+)*).tar.gz
+# If the url used to check for software update is different of MASTER_SITES, 
+# uncomment the next line. Otherwise it is set by default to the value of 
+REQUIRED_PKGS = CSWrrd CSWnetsnmp CSWmysql5client CSWcswclassutils
+REQUIRED_PKGS = CSWphp5 CSWap2modphp5 CSWphp5mysql CSWphp5snmp CSWphp5session 
+SPKG_CLASSES = none cswusergroup
+include gar/
+       @$(MAKECOOKIE)
+       @$(MAKECOOKIE)
+       @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(CACTIDIR)
+       @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)
+       @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(VARDIR)
+       @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(VARDIR)/log
+       @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(VARDIR)/rra
+       @cp -r $(WORKSRC)/docs $(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)
+       @#
+       @# very nasty
+       @#
+       @cp -r $(WORKSRC)/* $(DESTDIR)$(CACTIDIR)
+       @rm -r $(DESTDIR)$(CACTIDIR)/log $(DESTDIR)$(CACTIDIR)/rra
+       @#
+       @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/etc/pkg/CSWcacti
+       @ginstall -m 644 $(FILEDIR)/cswusergroup 

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/checksums
--- csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/checksums                          (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/checksums  2009-07-26 17:41:39 UTC (rev 5661)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ca724241f76900967f90d1c52a5e9d7f  download/CSWcacti.postinstall
+c06af72e0839d119bf7a1138361c7168  download/CSWcacti.prototype
+7563a58a57d2c6cc0da28cc341a30969  download/cacti-0.8.7e.tar.gz
+509e8f19ad7ede1733be6607b6c1aef2  download/cacti.sql.diff
+6bcd6bc9879995d235f012c8a503468e  download/config.php.diff
+ec57981a8f28d4a6fab8219cec877afa  download/global.php.diff
+58f05b2bac86fd1e4dcc21b5869a6c51  download/global_settings.php.diff
+11c7a82910671477cf896ac30aece436  download/install_index.php.diff

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/CSWcacti.postinstall
--- csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/CSWcacti.postinstall                         
(rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/CSWcacti.postinstall 2009-07-26 17:41:39 UTC 
(rev 5661)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+passwd -N cacti
+cat << EOF
+The package automatically added a user called "cacti". If you don't like 
+this user name, rename it and change it in the files listed below.
+By default the database "cacti" is used. If you want to use another database,
+change the name in the files listed below.
+To get Cacti running, please follow these steps:
+(1) Edit some lines in /opt/csw/cacti/include/config.php to match your
+    environment:
+    Example: \$database_hostname = "localhost"
+(2) Check also /opt/csw/cacti/include/global.php
+(3) Edit /opt/csw/cacti/cacti.sql to match your environment.
+    Example: GRANT ALL ON cacti.* TO ca...@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'cacti';
+(4) Run /opt/csw/cacti/cacti.sql to create the database:
+    Example: mysql -u root -p < /opt/csw/cacti/cacti.sql
+(5) Create a cronjob for the user "cacti" to collect the data:
+    0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /opt/csw/php5/bin/php 
/opt/csw/cacti/poller.php > /dev/null 2>&1

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/CSWcacti.prototype
--- csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/CSWcacti.prototype                           
(rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/CSWcacti.prototype   2009-07-26 17:41:39 UTC 
(rev 5661)
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+d none /opt/csw/cacti 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/about.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/auth_changepassword.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/auth_login.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cacti.sql 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cdef.php 0644 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/cacti/cli 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/.htaccess 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/add_data_query.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/add_device.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/add_graph_template.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/add_graphs.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/add_perms.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/add_tree.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/copy_user.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/host_update_template.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/import_template.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/poller_data_sources_reapply_names.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/poller_graphs_reapply_names.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/poller_output_empty.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/poller_reindex_hosts.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/rebuild_poller_cache.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/repair_database.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/structure_rra_paths.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cli/upgrade_database.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/cmd.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/color.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/data_input.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/data_queries.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/data_sources.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/data_templates.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/gprint_presets.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/graph.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/graph_image.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/graph_settings.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/graph_templates.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/graph_templates_inputs.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/graph_templates_items.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/graph_view.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/graph_xport.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/graphs.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/graphs_items.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/graphs_new.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/host.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/host_templates.php 0644 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/cacti/images 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/arrow.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/auth_deny.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/auth_login.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/auth_logout.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_add.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_cancel.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_cancel2.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_clear.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_colapse_all.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_create.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_default.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_delete.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_expand_all.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_export.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_go.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_help.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_import.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_no.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_purge.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_refresh.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_save.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_view.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/button_yes.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/cacti_about_logo.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/cacti_backdrop.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/cacti_backdrop2.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/cacti_logo.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/calendar.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/delete_icon.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/delete_icon_large.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/favicon.ico 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/graph_page_top.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/graph_properties.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/graph_query.png 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/graph_zoom.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/hide.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/left_border.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/menu_line.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/menuarrow.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/move_down.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/move_left.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/move_right.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/move_up.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/reload_icon_small.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/shadow.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/shadow_gray.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/show.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/tab_cacti.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/tab_console.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/tab_console_down.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/tab_graphs.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/tab_graphs_down.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/tab_mode_list.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/tab_mode_list_down.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/tab_mode_preview.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/tab_mode_preview_down.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/tab_mode_tree.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/tab_mode_tree_down.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/tab_settings.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/tab_settings_down.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/images/transparent_line.gif 0644 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/cacti/include 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/auth.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/bottom_footer.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/config.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/global.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/global_arrays.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/global_constants.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/global_form.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/global_settings.php 0644 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/calendar-setup.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/calendar.js 0644 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-af.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-al.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-bg.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-big5-utf8.js 0644 root 
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-big5.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-br.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-ca.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-cs-utf8.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-cs-win.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-da.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-de.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-du.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-el.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-en.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-es.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-fi.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-fr.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-he-utf8.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-hr-utf8.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-hr.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-hu.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-it.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-jp.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-ko-utf8.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-ko.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-lt-utf8.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-lt.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-lv.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-nl.js 0644 root bin
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+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-pl.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-pt.js 0644 root bin
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+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-ru.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-ru_win_.js 0644 root bin
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+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-sk.js 0644 root bin
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+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/calendar-zh.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/jscalendar/lang/cn_utf8.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/layout.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/main.css 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/top_graph_header.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/top_header.php 0644 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/cacti/include/treeview 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/treeview/ftiens4.js 0644 root bin
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+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/treeview/ftv2plastnode.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/treeview/ftv2pnode.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/treeview/ftv2vertline.gif 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/treeview/ua.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/include/zoom.js 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/index.php 0644 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/cacti/install 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_1_to_0_8_2.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_2_to_0_8_2a.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_2a_to_0_8_3.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_3_to_0_8_4.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_4_to_0_8_5.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_5a_to_0_8_6.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_6_to_0_8_6a.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_6c_to_0_8_6d.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_6d_to_0_8_6e.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_6f_to_0_8_6g.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_6g_to_0_8_6h.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_6h_to_0_8_6i.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_6j_to_0_8_7.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_7_to_0_8_7a.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_7a_to_0_8_7b.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_7b_to_0_8_7c.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_7c_to_0_8_7d.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_7d_to_0_8_7e.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/0_8_to_0_8_1.php 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/index.php 0644 root bin
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+f none /opt/csw/cacti/install/install_next.gif 0644 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/cacti/lib 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/cacti/lib/adodb/ 0644 root bin
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Added: csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/cacti.sql.diff
--- csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/cacti.sql.diff                               
(rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/cacti.sql.diff       2009-07-26 17:41:39 UTC 
(rev 5661)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --speed-large-files --minimal -Nru cacti-0.8.7e.orig/cacti.sql 
+--- cacti-0.8.7e.orig/cacti.sql        2009-06-28 18:07:11.000000000 +0200
++++ cacti-0.8.7e/cacti.sql     2009-07-19 18:25:57.059869381 +0200
+@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
++GRANT ALL ON cacti.* TO ca...@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'cacti';
++flush privileges;
++USE cacti;
+ --
+ -- Table structure for table `cdef`
+ --

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/config.php.diff
--- csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/config.php.diff                              
(rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/config.php.diff      2009-07-26 17:41:39 UTC 
(rev 5661)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+diff --speed-large-files --minimal -Nru cacti-0.8.7e.orig/include/config.php 
+--- cacti-0.8.7e.orig/include/config.php       2009-06-28 18:07:11.000000000 
++++ cacti-0.8.7e/include/config.php    2009-07-26 19:10:04.123759626 +0200
+@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
+ $database_type = "mysql";
+ $database_default = "cacti";
+ $database_hostname = "localhost";
+-$database_username = "cactiuser";
+-$database_password = "cactiuser";
++$database_username = "cacti";
++$database_password = "cacti";
+ $database_port = "3306";
+ /* Default session name - Session name must contain alpha characters */

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/cswusergroup
--- csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/cswusergroup                         (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/cswusergroup 2009-07-26 17:41:39 UTC (rev 
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+cacti:cacti:Cacti User:/export/home/cacti:/bin/sh:m:r

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/global.php.diff
--- csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/global.php.diff                              
(rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/global.php.diff      2009-07-26 17:41:39 UTC 
(rev 5661)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+diff --speed-large-files --minimal -Nru cacti-0.8.7e.orig/include/global.php 
+--- cacti-0.8.7e.orig/include/global.php       2009-06-28 18:07:11.000000000 
++++ cacti-0.8.7e/include/global.php    2009-07-26 17:58:03.838733867 +0200
+@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
+ $database_type = "mysql";
+ $database_default = "cacti";
+ $database_hostname = "localhost";
+-$database_username = "cactiuser";
+-$database_password = "cactiuser";
++$database_username = "cacti";
++$database_password = "cacti";
+ $database_port = "3306";
+ /* Default session name - Session name must contain alpha characters */
+@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
+ $config["base_path"] = strtr(ereg_replace("(.*)[\\\/]include", "\\1", 
dirname(__FILE__)), "\\", "/");
+ $config["library_path"] = ereg_replace("(.*[\\\/])include", "\\1lib", 
+ $config["include_path"] = dirname(__FILE__);
+-$config["rra_path"] = $config["base_path"] . '/rra';
++$config["rra_path"] = '/var/opt/csw/cacti/rra';
+ /* colors */
+ $colors["dark_outline"] = "454E53";

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/global_settings.php.diff
--- csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/global_settings.php.diff                     
        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/global_settings.php.diff     2009-07-26 
17:41:39 UTC (rev 5661)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+diff --speed-large-files --minimal -Nru 
+--- cacti-0.8.7e.orig/include/global_settings.php      2009-06-28 
18:07:11.000000000 +0200
++++ cacti-0.8.7e/include/global_settings.php   2009-07-08 18:42:12.167068681 
+@@ -94,9 +94,10 @@
+                       ),
+               "path_cactilog" => array(
+                       "friendly_name" => "Cacti Log File Path",
+-                      "description" => "The path to your Cacti log file (if 
blank, defaults to <path_cacti>/log/cacti.log)",
++                      "description" => "The path to your Cacti log file (if 
blank, defaults to /var/opt/csw/cacti/log/cacti.log)",
+                       "method" => "filepath",
+-                      "default" => $config["base_path"] . "/log/cacti.log",
++                      #"default" => $config["base_path"] . "/log/cacti.log",
++                      "default" => "/var/opt/csw/cacti/log/cacti.log",
+                       "max_length" => "255"
+                       ),
+               "pollerpaths_header" => array(

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/install_index.php.diff
--- csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/install_index.php.diff                       
        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/cacti/trunk/files/install_index.php.diff       2009-07-26 
17:41:39 UTC (rev 5661)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+diff --speed-large-files --minimal -Nru cacti-0.8.7e.orig/install/index.php 
+--- cacti-0.8.7e.orig/install/index.php        2009-06-28 18:07:11.000000000 
++++ cacti-0.8.7e/install/index.php     2009-07-08 19:26:29.280331987 +0200
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
+       if ($config["cacti_server_os"] == "win32") {
+               $search_paths = array("c:/usr/bin", "c:/cacti", "c:/rrdtool", 
"c:/spine", "c:/php", "c:/progra~1/php", "c:/net-snmp/bin", 
"c:/progra~1/net-snmp/bin", "d:/usr/bin", "d:/net-snmp/bin", 
"d:/progra~1/net-snmp/bin", "d:/cacti", "d:/rrdtool", "d:/spine", "d:/php", 
+       }else{
+-              $search_paths = array("/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin", 
"/usr/local/bin", "/usr/local/sbin");
++              $search_paths = array("/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin", 
"/usr/local/bin", "/usr/local/sbin","/opt/csw/bin","/opt/csw/php5/bin");
+       }
+       for ($i=0; $i<count($search_paths); $i++) {
+@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
+ if (config_value_exists("path_cactilog")) {
+       $input["path_cactilog"]["default"] = 
+ } else {
+-      $input["path_cactilog"]["default"] = $config["base_path"] . 
++      $input["path_cactilog"]["default"] = "/var/opt/csw/cacti/log/cacti.log";
+ }
+ /* SNMP Version */

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